HOMG. O_O ::drools:: Guh, story. Guh. Poor Tobin! Graphic novels FTW, honestly, LOVED that bit, and Os and then Os called Gino of all people and I do hope he gets out and that Gino realizes sooon that he's not there becuase he wants to be and I LOVED their interactions and Gino's brothers slay me. (especially Ira and his half-dead zombieness). And Tobin's hair and eyes are *___* And I hope the grandparents lose their fortunes and health and end up in some terrible poor old-folks home with only bad TV and newspaper crossword puzzles to occupy themselves with.
::GLOMPS:: I want more of this, now, plzkthks (which one is it, so I can change my answer!!!)
Oh! out of curiosity, do we get the same options for each poll?
Yup. ^_^;; With the length these things want to be, I don't think I can afford to have too many of them running around. I might trade out one that hasn't gotten written yet for another in the next poll, but mostly, they'll still be the same five options every time.
::GLOMPS:: I want more of this, now, plzkthks (which one is it, so I can change my answer!!!)
*snickers* I love Gino's brothers. I can't wait to write them some more. XD
XD! I'm so not telling. ^_^;; Although, it looks like I'm going to be writing two, since the poll is tied.
*tackle glomps you*
I can't wait to READ them more.
Oh! out of curiosity, do we get the same options for each poll? Or do you just pick a handful of your WiP for each one adn they're not the same?
Yup. ^_^;; With the length these things want to be, I don't think I can afford to have too many of them running around. I might trade out one that hasn't gotten written yet for another in the next poll, but mostly, they'll still be the same five options every time.
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