Very deep thought for the day

Jun 11, 2006 12:20

You know what I love about Disney?

They never fail to deliver the cheese. I bought Sky High sight unseen the other day (not full price, it was previously owned and cheaper than normal).

It is classic Disney cheese. I mean, classic.

Seriously, it's the Kraft American Cheese Food Product of the movie world. It looks like plastic rubber, but it tastes so familiar that I can't help but like it. No, I did not eat the DVD, just let me make my mixed up metaphors...

Disney is a cheese all of its own. It's Cheesney! With an extra e so as not to be confused with the country singer

I mean, there are just some things you KNOW going into a Disney flick.

1) unless the title is Old Yeller, it will end happily
2) the plot will be formulaic and you'll pretty much be able to predict everything that will happen
3) the main character will do incredibly stupid and idiotic things, but still remain likeable somehow due to an undiscovered wormhole in the universe.
4) The guy will always end up with the right girl and the bad guy will get his
5) there will be quipping, half assed witty remarks, and lots of cheese

That all said, anyone know of any Will/Warren slash that's out there? ^_^;; Also, I want to see High School Musical. Because I'm a twelve year old in a 27 year old's body. -_-;;
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