Oct 30, 2005 09:44
I have work this weekend and tomorrow night. Which should be okay, or busy at the very least since Halloween is Monday.
I think I shall dress up as a photo supervisor this year. [/idiot]
I need to get my SMP story written either this morning or tomorrow morning since 1) it's due on Monday and 2) Nano starts on Tues. And I'd appreciate it if my brain would stop being stupid about the SMP. On occasion, me and my inspiration will have a differing of opinions. Not that it matters, really, because in the end I seem to lose control of everything anyway, but every once in a while I'd like to pretend that I'm in charge.
I actually have Tues off and I'm floored by it. Hopefully, I'll actually do something productive instead of sitting on my butt and daydreaming the day away. It's all about goals, right? Yes. Goals. I'll write 10,000 words on Tues! [/more idiotness]
Course, this is the first year that I've actually started this thing with some semblence of an idea as to where I wanted to go with it. There's a niggling of characters and plot and a basic gist of where I want it to go. Whereas the last two years before this, I just sat at the computer and started randomly typing. -_-;;
I'm currently coughing up a lung, but it's sunny outside and pretty with all the fall leaves, so by rights, I can't complain. Plus, I got an extra hour today! Woot! Happy daylight savings time.