I am a literary geek and proud of it. Poetry, especially, articulates in subtle, mind-numbingly poignant, sometimes excruciating and oft times tenderly ways. I love the power of words and their nuances, how the rhythm in a poem flows, the raw emotions they evoke, and how a deft flourish of an obscure word sparks a skip of a heart beat and a dawning realisation of literary genius. Am I romanticising things too much? But then that's the main premise, and magic, of poetry.
I was delighted to read in Life! today that a local graphic design and shirt-printing outfit is collaborating with poets to infuse literature into guess what, t-shirts! You know it is literary gem if heavyweights like Cyril Wong lend their contributions. The fusion of fashion and literature, what more can I say? I own a couple of type-printed American Apparel tees from
Threadless (my favourite being
'Shakespeare Hates Your Emo Poems'), but these poetry ones (printed on AA too) simply scream, 'LIT GEEK IS ME' . If only they weren't so expensive!
But anyway! Here are my favourite tees from the collection.
From top to bottom: Cyril Wong Light Poetry T-shirt, Alvin Pang Inside Out Poetry T-shirt, Kai Chai Spot Poetry T-shirt, Kheng Siong Notes Poetry T-shirt
For more information and inspiration, visit
here. :)