Tree of Life

Mar 02, 2013 06:14

I had my second interview this past week with the real you.  I met the doctor who created the program and she advised me that the postion would be 5 hours/wk not 15-20 as previously said in the 1st interview and also it wouldn't be a work at home job again told it would be in the 1st interview.  She also wants someone with medical terminology and a few other things.  I came out of the interview disappointed as I felt I didn't get the job.  They told me they were waiting on funding and would let me know by March 15. (2wks)

My hubby came down with a terrible cold.  His colds never last long.  He started to get sick on Monday and by Wednesday he was feeling better.  Still is coughing etc but he says he doesn't feel crappy, just a bit tired.  Me on the other hand, I have a severe sore throat.  This morning it feels like razor blades are in the back of my throat everytime I swallow.  I broke down and took advil and it seems to have eased it(tylonel did nothing for it).  It started a few days ago, just very mild but by Thrusday night it was getting sorer and by Friday OMG PAINFUL.  I decided to wait to see a doctor but now I need to see someone because something just isn't right.

I learned how to make a Wired Tree of Life, this is my first attempt.

I have made a smaller one but haven't taken pics of it yet.  It turned out not bad.  I like doing them, it's fun and you need to have patients which is a good practice.

That's it for now
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