Jul 10, 2007 13:28
of course now the seattle art museum calls. now. as in, a week and a half after they said would be the absolute latest they would call, either way. now, i sit here, dreading calling them back, for fear of having to make a "career move" i will regret someday. i feel bad complaining since most people i know are looking for jobs rather than turning them down, but this whole situation has been frustrating nonetheless. mostly because i applied for the associate educator position at sam 3 months ago, then had an interview but they were 45 minutes late, and then waited an extra week to hear about the second interview, and now, finally i am receiving the call i was supposed to have two fridays ago, regarding the final decision.
the thing is, i like working at the henry enough that i basically cannot consider accepting the sam job at this point. but it still feels like i might be fucking myself over in the long run. because the job at sam is more on the way to what i really want to do with my life. and it pays better and has benefits. and sam looks good on a resume now, since they are in the limelight so frequently. but then, part of me feels like it might pay off to suck it up and do a less exciting job for a little while, since i do love the institution i am at, as well as my boss and the idea that it might be going somewhere exciting when the new director is found. i guess it is just that the sam is a sure thing, in a different way. it will look good, i will work in education, i will get to work with families, etc. but maybe it is a time to worry less about what is on paper. that is how i went to school in boulder rather than at miami of ohio, which i truly believe would have turned me into a bad person (red, jcrew-sporting smaller university in the midwest...i certainly would not be a vegetarian now. and probably not a museologist either). i don't want to call them back.