
May 29, 2009 18:34

Hey mates, I'm about to start posting my stuff here. I've answered challenges at places other than Raising Hell, Route 66 and Twisting the Hellmouth and though everything gets posted over at Paradise Lost anyway ('cause they just love me *bats eyelashes*) I thought it would be good to have everything together. Besides, I ended up having to get an LJ account and I figured this was as good a place as any - it was just sitting here doing nothing anyway :D

So, just so everyone is on the same wavelength, I've got three main pairings: Dean Winchester/Buffy Summers, Tristan DuGrey/Rory Gilmore and Alec McDowell/Max Guevara. I have used other pairings for challenges or if it's been a request and you'll see them crop up from time to time. Unlike RH and R66, I'm not going to slowly filter through all of my fics from PL; I figure if anyone's coming here to read my fics you can choose what you read :P

Anyway, I'm off to start uploading...see you on the flipside :D
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