The rest of my older vids. These are a bunch that I made for a fic over at Paradise Lost (link in the sidebar). It is a BtVS/SPN crossover and was my first foray into the world of vidding crossovers. I don't think I did that badly, especially because I was very green at the time, so, win all round *thumbs up* :P
Title: Love Story
Description: Created: 9th August, 2009. Based around a fic called 'Revelations of Dawn' by Sass and Sunriserooftops in which John realises that Buffy is a Slayer and breaks her and Dean up only for them to meet again later in life. They asked me to use the song 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift so I'm hoping it has worked. Let me know what you think.
Title: Long Night
Description: Created: 15th August, 2009. Based around SunnySass' fic, 'Revelations of Dawn'. Dean and Buffy separate and Buffy finds new love with Riley but Dean discovers her secrets and heads back demanding answers.
They asked me to use the song, 'Long Night' by The Corrs. Let me know what you think of it. I don't own the song or clips.
Title: Your Last Night Alone
Description: Created: 22 November, 2009. Another requested vid for SunnySass' 'Revelations of Dawn'. This vid shows the decline of Riley and Buffy's relationship after her past (Dean) shows up. If you haven't read the fic yet, make sure you head over to Paradise Lost and check it out.
The song is by Skillet and is called, 'Last Night'. Clips are from BtVS and SPN. Moreover, this vid was made entirely for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended.