Sep 16, 2011 20:47

Well, a couple of weeks ago I disappeared from here and spent a few days on Tumblr. I've had a Tumblr account for awhile but I didn't really use it because Tumblr was too confusing and I didn't wanna take the time to learn :P But sunriserooftops practically lives over there and I couldn't catch up with her on Twitter so I decided to visit. Not only did she manage to keep me there for a few days while I looked around and figured everything out but she got me hooked on Dramione... I am, by no means, an expert on HP and the only real exposure I've had to it is all you wonderful people in my life that have various pairings from the fandom but I was very inspired to make a bunch of art and write a couple of drabbles for sunriserooftops. I promised I'd post everything here so enjoy!

Okay most of these were little challenges that sunriserooftops and I set for each other and over on Tumblr they're tagged as #sunnyskiessillies. I'll tag them like that here too. If you have a look over my stuff, especially the fics, you'll see we've been doing this for years (and OMG I feel so OLD saying that!). We don't deliberately give each other difficult songs, we're just sometimes bored and need to kick our Muses! :P I'm going to do my absolute best to remember what each song was called! :P

A/N: Lyrics were Christian Kane's, 'Thinking Of You'. I hadn't heard this song before but I know who he is because of my f'list purely. First song that I've heard of his; it wasn't bad :) There was a whole scene that I thought of while listening to it so I made the wall and wrote a short bit :)

He heard a soft sound, something almost too quiet to actually pay attention to but against the better advice of his mind, he found his feet heading toward the stairs. At the foot was a hunched over figure, shoulders occasionally moving as quiet sobs wracked her body.

He had every intention of turning around and walking away. He didn’t know why she was crying and he didn’t want to know but the rational part of him was forcefully shoved aside by the rarely used, but slowly growing, caring side. He found his feet leading him down the stairs even as he rolled his eyes.

She barely glanced up, but the moment she saw him she leapt up and faced him, tears forgotten.

“What are you doing here?”

There were a thousand replies rushing through his mind but a brusque, “What’s wrong with you?” fell out before he even had a chance to think about how it would be received.

She glared at him before turning her face away so he couldn’t see her struggling with her tears, even though he still could.

He took a step forward automatically, one hand reaching out from her and her name softly falling from his lips. She turned back to him, eyes hardened.

“You don’t get to call me that anymore.”

He ignored the hurt that coursed through him and walked toward her, surprised when she walked around him and headed for the stairs.


He suspected the use of her surname hurt her as much as it hurt him. It put distance between them and brought back memories of the days when they’d only just met and neither of them liked the other. She stopped, but she didn’t turn around and he walked up to her, standing in front of her and noticing the streaks on her cheeks.

He didn’t say anything but the pleading look in his eyes must have gotten through because she took a deep breath before her resolve faded and more tears fell. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her and was relieved when she wrapped hers around him. As she let her guard down, he dropped to the bottom step with her and let her cry on his shoulder.

It was a temporary reprieve only. They both knew it and before the sun even had a chance to rise, they’d both have to go their separate ways and pretend that they’d never even taken the chance that they had.

A/N: Lyrics from Regina Spektor's, 'The Call'. I hadn't heard this song either but, then again, sunriserooftops often sends me songs I haven't heard - it's how she got me addicted to Saving Jane :)

It’s just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can’t feel it too
Doesn’t mean that you have to forget

A/N: This was purely me :P I had iTunes on shuffle and 'Walk Away' popped up. I thought of Dramione first, this scene actually, but considering I was always making Dramione art, it probably wasn't that big a leap :P

Just walk away, just say goodbye
Don’t turn around now you may see me cry
I mustn’t fall apart or show my broken heart
Or the love I feel for you

A/N: Lyrics are from James Morrison's, 'You Make It Real'. I wanted to experiment with this scene. I know it's been done to death by Dramione shippers but I'm totally new so I think that gives me an excuse! :P

There’s so much craziness surrounding me
There’s so much going on it gets hard to breathe
When I’m not sure of my priorities
When I’ve lost sight of where I’m meant to be

You make it real for me

A/N: This song is one of my favourites that I have been dying to use for a pairing since it first came out! When I was drifting off to sleep, I heard this and just had to make this wall! Actually spent AGES making a whole stack of manips so you can expect to see those soon :D

Don’t tell me if I’m dying…

Show me where you run to when no one’s left to take your side
But don’t tell me where the road ends ’cause I just don’t wanna know

harry potter, fanfiction, picspam, fanart, wallpapers, draco/hermione, tumblr, sunnyskiessillies, challenge, posters

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