I must declare this episode one of my favorites. For the obvious reasons.
So, episode starts with the miasma finally deciding to show itself.
This was really freaking cool; it doesn't show it too well in this shot, but Eldrant is literally in the process of being formed as the God Generals stand there.
The remaining God Generals talk about Arietta's defeat.
The upcoming Dist abuse is for
morbidxelegance. 8D
Dist clearly doesn't give a shit about Arietta's death.
Largo is not amused.
VERY unamused.
Dist flies off in a huff to write about this in his revenge journal, and Sync shows up. I didn't get a cap of it, but before the opening sequence Largo realizes his locket is missing. :o
After the opening, everyone is in Baticul, reporting what's going on to Luke's uncle.
Afterwards, Luke talks Natalia and Tear into taking Anise around for a girl's day out I guess...
...'cause she's still depressed. Poor thing. D:
In reality, though, Luke wanted to lose Natalia for awhile so he could ask his uncle about the locket, since he never saw Natalia when she was really young.
Luke comes to the conclusion that Largo is Natalia's real father (duh). Guy is naturally, pretty shocked; Jade, not so much. Of course. Still, thank goodness Natalia only gets a bit of her personality from her father; that'd be awkward. :x
They leave the king's quarters, trying to decide how to tell Natalia...
...when Asch decides to give Luke a headache call.
Luke grows a pair for once; when Asch demands Luke to come out of Baticul to speak with him, Luke pretty much goes, "Bitch, you get up here. >:|"
Asch is not too thrilled about being back home. XD;
Though that changes quick. XD;
Guh... uh... yeah. Hi mom. XD;
I swear that looks like he's smiling there. >>;;;
Guy and Jade discuss what may happen if Asch decides to stay home. Luke, of course, emos on a bench.
This is probably the only time in the entire series where Asch and Luke are in the same screen, and Asch isn't pissed.
Though that changes very fast. Asch says he's never coming back to this place, but Luke says he should, that he's the one that should be living there, not him (or something like that).
Asch does not approve of this back talk.
And promptly makes his exit (after some jibes from Jade; though Eldrant was mentioned... have to watch the subtitles. I don't know what they're saying a lot in this episode).
So, Asch makes his run out of the city...
But ffffffffffffffff; we get a flashback to what we didn't see before. If Duke Fabre is saying what I think he's saying, he asks Asch to forgive him for never being close to a son that the Score said would die, before we get treated to a big family hug. Poor Asch...
...and then Asch gets a random heartattack. *wibbles*
I didn't quite catch what people were saying here, but they end up going to Belkend to try and find a way to disable the Planet Storm shield around Eldrant.
And Luke's being emo again...
Though, he does have his own family concerns.
So the gang arrives in Belkend to talk to Spinoza...
...who tells them about the miasma seeping up from the ground.
Naturally, no one is thrilled about this (ffffff Mieu).
So, what follows is a lot of talking. Like I said, I don't understand a lot of what's going on in this episode, but I can pretty much say that they mention about how Luke could probably expel the miasma, though Jade also points out that it would kill him, even if he sacrificed 10000 Seventh Fonists and used the Sword of Lorelei.
It's still on Luke's mind though, and Tear tells him not to get any stupid ideas. Anise and Mieu hug him to emphasize the point. >:
Asch makes a headache call long enough to essentially go, "lol I see what u did there".
The Albiore III: proof that black makes everything look better.
Asch is muttering to himself about 10000 Seventh Fonists, and Noir's pretty much, "Wut?" Asch orders Ginji to fly them to the Tower of Rem after.
The others figure out where Asch is going and follow while Tear explains what the Tower of Rem was supposed to be used for.
Which, I should add, looks a lot more intimidating than it did in the game.
And that's a loooooooooooot of replicas.
So they land, and there's Ginji...
...and there's the Dark Wings.
Luke calls them Asch's companions, and Noir is like, "Uhhhhh... not so sure about that..."
And Ginji is so whipped.
So there's that damn elevator that would have made life easier at that point of the game if you could have gotten to it. >:|
Even Asch is all, "Fuck this, I'm taking the stairs. >:|"
Last shot of the episode. RUN BITCHFACE RUN!