Social media as an inconvenience

Mar 16, 2022 18:21

Every single major internet company now relies entirely on making the internet worse, less convenient, and less accessible solely so they can sell you ads. All the convenience, communication, and interactions you could have with others for free are now cut up into pieces so algorithms can insert advertising into the interstices and sell your attention off for pennies.

The worst part of all this is that there’s nothing outside the big companies anymore. There’s either infinitely scrolling, infinitely playing algorithmic content or ad filled clickbait sites identical to every other ad filled clickbait site. Algorithms are swallowing the entire world of person to person interactions available on the web.

Where we could be building tools to facilitate people interacting with each other in free, intimate, thoughtful ways, we have instead dedicated ourselves to terraforming and colonizing the Times Square billboards into our hive mind.
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