Jun 04, 2007 16:27
One of my favorite books as a little girl was called Puppy Too Small.
It was about a puppy who struggled to do things he wasn't big enough to do, like turning door knobs and and climbing trees. And each time he got frustrated because he couldn't do something, he realized (with some help from random household pets and neighborhood animals) that there were equally important things that he could do, like hand a mouse a cookie from up on the table, and help s squirrel in a dress swing on a swing and so on. Anyway, the moral of the story was that even if at times there are things you can't manage to do, there are always good things you can do which makes you, like the puppy, "just the right size".
Last night I realized that when it comes to a certain person in my life, I am a lot like the puppy. There are things I really wish I could do, but not being magical, divine, or licensed in Psychotherapy I cannot. However, the things that I am capable of doing for/with this person are pretty cool. And if I'm ever given the chance, I know I'll be a positive element in his life because of it.
friendship is powerful when you're heart is broken.
Love is bright when your life is dark.
hugs are healing.
And peace pasta and bed knobs and broomsticks on dvd is just plain good for the soul.
These are the things I can give.
So does that make me good enough for him? I hope so.