Rouletto is home. Trailered well (although i had to spend 15min getting him to back OUT of the trailer, which was a tad exhausting. I made poor Enrique be his travel buddy; so 5 hours in the trailer.
He's Settling in; and eating and drinking now. River hates his guts (which was a HUGE surprise because River is so docile) but Storm is doing what Storm does best-being a cantankerous ass, but babysitting and teaching young horses.
I'm really excited about him :) he's got a lovely personality.
He's 16.1hh now, and about 1-2" butt high. Hoping hell make around 16.3hh and a little broader, but well see how it goes.
Either way, super glad things worked out so well and here's hoping for a fantastic future partnership!!
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