So the weather has been yucky, so little Kayla has not done much with her life. Except play with her camera. So you get the products of Boredom: the Final Frontier.
I am disgusted by this thing you call a Peppermint. Why do you hate me so?
I'm not sure if we should see each other again. Perhaps its best you leave.
I wonder if they will notice the gigantic hole to China I have dug. I am a good puppy.
WHY does no one love me enough? WHY must I wait in the non-moving truck? WHY?!? I am saddened.
My house.
Wazzup over there?
What do you mean we're on a diet? Feel my anger. The Wrath of Monty.
Oh, the inhumanity of it all. I just can't cope!
Fine. No food? I'll stare you down. See if I don't.