this n that.

Apr 25, 2007 21:05

A lot can happen in a month.

We went back East for a week. Vacation was such a relief from my stressful job. Even though it rained 6 days out of the 7, it was wonderful. Soren had his birthday party back there, two of them actually. One at the Whitmore's and One at the Greene's. My grandfather and Soren bonded so much, it was hard for us to leave. I was amazed that at one point, when Soren wasnt sleeping, he picked him up , gave him a bottle and rocked him to sleep!

Ended up meeting up with Dennis of Skylab2000 while he was in Pittsburgh. Ironically he was playing at a rave called Snuggle when we were out there. HOLY DAMN does pittsburgh have a rockin' scene. I had so much fun.. It was a Pajama party, and just about everyone dressed up. Even Dennis. I felt like such a kid.. I was even sneaking brews into Dennis.. haaa! Oh the funniest shit, this lil kandie kid.. she was so cute, and offered me $50 for my VIP badge. I couldnt take her $, I knew she was f'd up.. but I didnt want to let it go either :/ I should have sold it!
We took a family friend Katie to this party, it was her first.. Oh boy, I didnt warn her about the "free things" for newbies.. and wow ppl are NOT stingy with their party favors out there.
It was refreshing to feel such a good vibe at a party.. ( and NO I didnt do the drugs)

So anyways, we spent the night in Pittsburgh, then went back to Ohio the next morning.. My Gram Whitmore had a bday party for Soren the next night. My uncles, Aunts, Dad, StepMum and lil Sis came. Let me tell you, I felt the tension between my uncle and dad.. *rolls eyes* Soren got all kinds of cute clothes and a lil dog that rolls over when you clap at cute...

I was also talking to my dad about my lil sis Jaki. I guess she's been doing really good with her modeling and singing. She's been in back to back plays , with singing roles. She just came back from New York a few weeks ago. And they're pretty sure Disney is going to tap her. Which would be amazing. But she's got the talent! and she's very pretty! The trip was too short.

The only downer part was visiting my Papa's grave on Tyrrel Hill in Tyrell, Ohio.
I always feel like he's "just in the hospital" still, and that he's going to come home soon.
this time when I went there though, I was standing there with flowers in my hand.. and bam, the wind came down on me and the heaviest feeling.. and the real realization that I religiously have felt the same feeling of "he's not really dead" when I went to visit. This time.. it hit me.
I had to take a walk.. He's not coming home. *sigh* But I pulled it together. ( although I've been having strange dreams of him being in a hospital for 11 years????)

The plane trip back wasnt even bad either. Soren was an angel! Maybe its because I was so relaxed that I didnt stress out about the 4 1/2 hour ride. I felt weightless and happy. Full of "life" and refreshed. I enjoyed going in the woods to gather sticks n stuff to build a fire in the fireplace downstairs at grams before we left. It was nice. That filled my heart.

Getting to see BOTH sides of my family.. that was amazing.

Soren had his AZ birthday party this past Saturday. We didnt really go "all out" because Soren was under the weather. He now has an ear ache. So please, dont be offended that some of you didnt get invitations.. we only had immediate family. There's always next year though.

Work.. hmm. Well there have been BIG changes there. Not something I can boldly talk about on the internet. But alot of trickery and findings. Shift in powers. Transfers and Regrouping.
We had a really good meeting today and I feel confident about the direction the office is taking.
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