Aug 25, 2006 22:29
Well I guess it's about time I updated. I thought I would have loads of time because I'm only taking 12 credits, but with research it's been crazy. I don't really remember many specifics other than yesterday, but my classes seem alright so far. I've only had 2 though, so I may have a different opinion later. I'm not exactly looking forward to my 3 hour statistics course on Tuesday nights.
Yesterday started at 8 with Biochemistry. The prof is quirky and quite funny, which makes the early hour less daunting. Then a few errands on campus, and off to lab. Got back around 4 and went to eat with Derek. Straightened out my room, which is so much better now that I have a bed frame that fits my room. Then Derek and I went to play tennis. I went to Target after to get a new water pik and some other random things. Then we prepared to go out for Mark's 21st.
I took 4 or 5 shots at Derek's house, then one more at the grove. We went to Moe's first, and managed to skip the line and see a lot of people. I got compliments on my breasts, but I was wearing my black boob shirt so not really a surprise. Then across the street to a place I thought was called Freakin Friday's where we met up with Mark and the rest of the people we originally went out with. We didn't stay more than an hour, but I was quite intoxicated by then so it's kind of a blur. Mark was beyond drunk by that point and soon just laid his head on the table and refused to move. Derek eventually got him out and we went back to his house. After a night on the couch I had to come back to my room to change and leave for lab. I was unbelievably tired, and the lab meeting was painful. I actually dozed off a couple times with my head in my hands. I hope no one noticed.
I forgot to mention when I got back to my dorm I realized I had lost my cane card. It was no big deal, so I just waited till someone let me in the building. But when I got up to my room I realized I had also lost my credit card. I called the places where I was the previous night and luckily one of them had them. So after I picked them up, I crashed. Slept from about 5:30 to 9, minus a 5 minute talk to Fran. Sorry for being so distant by the way, I was barely awake to begin with. Now I'm about to go back to sleep, because there's a house party tomorrow I need to be fresh for.