May 01, 2006 07:00
just got home from an all-nighter in the library. I have a take-home final due at 5pm and I didn't even finish it ... SUCH a long day tomorrow (really today) I have to be up by 8:30 AM to turn in a 20pg paper I did over the weekend on Housing Markets in Bolivia ... then at 11 I have to go get drug screened for my summer internship. Then as soon as I get back I need to finish my take-home final to turn in by 5. After that I'm showing my apartment to some possible subletters and then I want to go to sleep and wake up daysss later.
I have so much shit on my mind it's crazy. In addition to the normal things like doing well on finals and papers, I have to worry about finding subletters as my roomates (who aren't officially on my lease) decided to just get up and move out and I have no real legal recourse. Our rent is going to be short $800 this month and that's with me already paying an extra four or five hundred. I will be so glad when the lease expires and I will not have to live with these deadbeats anymore. It is so frickin frustrating. I really cannot put into words all the trouble I've had this year with my roomate situation.
I booked a ticket to San Francisco for the 11th, I'll be back a few weeks and then off to NYC to start work on May 31st... I'm soo excited, but also terrified. It will be my first real 9-5 (actually my hours are 8-6) and I just hope I can survive. I plan on buckling down and making work my only priority.
Anyway, I'm gonna try and take a 90 minute nap before my day starts up again. Life really blows right now. In 5 days this should all be over.
"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."
-Alfred Hitchcock