character info

Oct 20, 2018 20:22


» TITLE: Fang King (former)
» AGE: 15-16
» SEX: Male.
» GENDER: Androgynous, leaning toward female.
» ORIENTATION: Homosexual.

Akito is optimistic, quirky, and intuitive; Akito is the most integral part of the three personalities. While he isn't a genius in tactics like Agito, he has a keen eye for details and can pinpoint their enemy's methods of attack as well as notice things about people that others miss.

He is fun-loving to the point of childishness - finding joy in the simple things that normal children had that he never did. Akito is an enthusiastic pillar of support, cheerfully going along with whatever ridiculous scheme Ikki or the rest of them come up with. Due to how he was raised and the lifestyle he lives currently, he can be considered quite socially stunted: uncertain as to what behaviors are normal and what isn't, though Kogarasumaru has helped. He also seems to have trouble distinguishing between topics that are socially acceptable or not, but this seems to be something brought on by how comfortable he is around who he's with.

Originally loud and energetic, as he grew more accustomed to his freedom and Kogarasumaru began to be a higher target for danger, Akito withdrew more into their mind. He became softer-spoken, giving Kogarasumaru his strength through Agito, though his optimism and curiosity remains intact.

Akito is a very informal person - never really bowing in greeting or apology. The extent of his formality extends to suffixes (specifically '-san'), which he tends to give to most people he meets until he grows more comfortable with them. He also tends to speak more properly than Agito or Lind, never cursing or swearing, and often relates things to metaphors - explaining using them as well as smilies much of the time. Additionally, he also comes across as a very practical person when the situation calls for it. For example he is well aware that he isn't strong enough to fight anymore, and so he relinquishes control to Agito without hesitation.

Generally, Akito can be found hanging out with the girls when times are more relaxed; going shopping with them, gossiping with them, and even dressing up with them. When the girls aren't around, he tends to stay quiet and listen rather than engage, though he'll jump at the chance to join in with the boys' antics, such as trashing hotel rooms or sneaking out on field trips.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Akito is the most easy-going. He is friendly and open to playing along with whatever his peers want him to, and enjoys being supportively helpful - often giving advice in a way that allows the person to come to the proper conclusion on their own. He thrives on the company of others, though he gives up most of the time they have to hang out as friends to Agito for practical reasons. He is prone to being jealous and disdainful at times.

His most important relationships - aside from with Agito - are with Ikki and his "brother". Having been raised since the age of around six (though he would only have been a few months old at the time according to what chapter 300 is saying) by Kaito, he loves him deeply despite the fear he has of him. He would defend Kaito at very high risk to himself if he had to because, even though he was severely abused, he also has many fond and happy memories with his "brother".

With Ikki, Akito has an entirely different kind of love. He loves to kiss and cling to the other teen, proclaiming the deep romantic love he has for him through affectionate actions and the unwavering support he has in him. Without question, Akito would give his life for Ikki if asked to - and even if he wasn't. If it wasn't for Ikki he would still be locked in a cage, only dreaming of the sky.

With the rest of Kogarasumaru, Akito blends more into the background, prefering to listen and follow/join in rather than chime in and lead, though he makes himself heard when he wants to be. He learnt many of his social skills from his friends - gaining knowledge through watching and mimicking rather than asking. Because of this, his social skills are rather unconventional, though he does his best to fit in due to a want for affection he never received growing up. He seems to throw himself into relationships with others and hope for the best, which is both a strength and a weakness of his.


» TITLE: Fang King (current)
» AGE: 15-16
» SEX: Male.
» GENDER: Male.

Agito on the other hand is short-tempered, very intelligent, and aggressive; Agito is the backbone of their personalities and is usually the one in control of their body. He's confident and careful when it comes to Parts Wars, often spending weeks planning out every aspect of a future battle, though he's quick to lose control of his emotions - especially since joining with Kogarasumaru. His tactical genius is unmatched, and his keen senses allow him to seem almost omniscient when it comes to battles... When it comes to interpersonal relationships though, he's pretty clueless.

He prefers to stay by himself rather than with his friends, unless it involves training them/with them, but doesn't venture too far from them; enjoying listening in on their conversations and being able to spout out sharp commentary when he feels like it. The boys of Kogarasumaru enjoy flustering him with teasing and the other normal quirks of friendship, embarrassing Agito to the point where he often lashes out violently, cursing and swearing to make up for it. He's gotten better at accepting friendships since joining his team, originally reacting badly when told by Kazu and Onigiri that he was considered their friend - most likely due to the betrayal he suffered by Akira causing him to develop severe trust issues - whereas now he accepts it without question and will go out of his way to help and protect them. He still won't admit to any of these feelings, but his actions give him away to anyone observing.

For all his animalistic quirks, the strongest aspect of Agito's nature is the drive to protect the ones he cares about. He's at his most powerful when he's fighting to protect someone, which is no surprise considering that he came into existence to protect Akito. Underneath his crude and violent attitude, Agito has a very tender heart.

Agito's relationship with Kaito is much more complicated than Akito's, as he began to endure the brunt of the abuse after gaining consciousness. If Kaito has favourites, Agito definitely wasn't it. But it was through his brutal treatment that Agito became as strong as he did, and learnt as much as he did. Despite disliking Kaito he does hold a great respect for him. If he had wanted to, he could have escaped WIND years ago, so it says something that Agito actually stayed.

His relationship with Ikki is less complicated than Akito's. He snarls and snaps at Kogarasumaru, fearing that being friends with them will ruin them all, but they have none of it - especially Ikki. Agito is often manhandled by him, and though he gripes about it he doesn't respond violently to it as he would in the beginning. In a way, it could be said that Agito somehow became Ikki's pet, of sorts, receiving pats on the head for doing something good, and even going so far as to hand feed him when he notes he hasn't eaten.

Agito cares deeply for Ikki (and the rest of Kogarasumaru) even if he prefers not to show it. He has a particularly interesting relationship with Yayoi, since she has a crush on him and so is around him as much as she can possibly be. Since he noticed her penchant for abilities only Tuners tend to have he began to pay a bit more attention to her capabilities. He's grown used to her presence and somewhat fond of it, though he doesn't return her romantic feelings - he simply views her as a friend, as much as he can admit to himself that any of them are friends. He saves her life during the Orca battle (~ch.185-95) though is unable to bring himself to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, instead opting to use a bamboo stick to blow air into her lungs. After Yayoi proves to be a capable Tuner for him in place of Akito he shows a more active interest in making sure she can defend herself, if only to listen in while Onigiri and Kazu teach her hand-to-hand combat to make sure they don't mess it up.

His best friend is Akira, and even with their complicated past of pain and betrayal, Agito was willing to give it all up in order to show Akira freedom again. It was in the arc where Kogarasumaru fought Behemoth that it really became evident just how loyal Agito is. He spent weeks carefully planning out how to challenge Akira's team in a way that would allow the newly-formed Kogarasumaru to win, and therefore release Akira of whatever duty he felt he had to Behemoth.

Even when Ikki ruined his plans Agito didn't back down, and was prepared to fight to his 'death' to defeat Akira, both freeing his friend from his self-imposed cage, as well as give Akito back the Regalia as his 'first and final gift' from him. After achieving what he set out to do, Agito seemed honestly happy for the first time that we're shown, and the strong, silent connection and understanding between the two Fang Kings is really revealed.

Once you gain his respect and friendship, you're stuck with a fiercely protective 'shark' watching your back.


» TITLE: Prototype #00, Wings of Beginnings, Gazelle
» AGE: 15-16 (+10)
» SEX: Male.
» GENDER: Female.

Lind is powerful, aggressive, casual, and confident from what we've seen of him so far. His technique and physical power is more advanced than both Akito and Agito and he's entirely secure in his ability. He's not afraid to use people for his own purposes, and cares for both Akito and Agito in a strange way - protecting them and watching as they grow up into strong, independent personalities. He is the personality that Akito and Agito both originated from (Agito explaining it as Lind being a rock thrown into a pond, and he and Akito being the ripples it caused) and is therefore the first personality, like he said when he was first revealed.

He loathes being disrespected, reacting violently when forced into perverted situations, or when he loses control of the situation, and generally prefers to keep to himself within their mind. He's disdainful, could probably be described as being somewhat apathetic until more recently in the series. The only time he really shows an honest interest in being around another person is when Kaito is there, attacking the ones who hurt him and then allowing him to hold him close once the battle is seemingly over. When it comes to others, if it's not an enemy or they prove to be less than useful, he appears to deem them unimportant and not worth his time. For example, Lind saved Yayoi and complimented her, then a few pages later brushes her off when she's in danger, saying that there are 'four billion others just like her', implying that she's replaceable. Akito has described Lind as being so much more heartless than everyone, and having such a cool and calm decisiveness that it is surprising.

Of the three current personalities that make up the Wanijima son, Lind is the oldest. He is Prototype #00 - the first attempt at a 'Brain Charge', and is the original Thorn Queen. He doesn't really work in conjuction with Akito or Agito, keeping to himself as well as keeping important information from them unless it's prudent that they be informed. Lind does look out for them in his own way such as loaning his strength to Agito in a particularly difficult fight, or take the place of both of them if it's apparent that they won't win. In some ways, his treatment of Akito and Agito could be described as 'motherly' - being proud when Agito finds the strength to force him back into their mind, trying to guide them and give advice, and coming out to protect their body in difficult fights - which makes Lind's personality being that of their mother's much less surprising.

It was revealed in chapter 301 and 302 that not only is Lind actually Gazelle, but he holds all of her memories as well - including her feelings for Kaito, as is evident in how he works so hard to protect him. (Compilation of pages indicating Lind is Gazelle and holds all of the memories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Compared to her upbeat and more Akito-esque personality as Gazelle, in her life as Lind she has become much more cold and serious, resembling her lover. He core personality seems to be the same as it was while he was Gazelle - hopeful and caring; quick to protect. Lind is a more learned Gazelle; he knows what the world is like now, and it's made him have a slightly more cynical view on things. Because of Kaito's influence on his life as well as the courage their sons have shown in battle, he isn't afraid to fight and use his wings any longer, though the stress he puts on their body is immense. To spare their body weak body from the stress, Lind used up almost all of his own energy.

Lind is a master of the Thorn Road, but as Gazelle could never master the Fang. It was through Akito and Agito's efforts to better themselves and perfect the Fang (ref: 1) in new and more powerful ways that allows Lind to use the attack now, melding it together with his own Thorn Road to create devastatingly powerful attacks. Despite having slept for the initial years of Akito and Agito's lives, Lind is connected to them very strongly, and considers their 'Fang' the ability that connects them even further.


» TITLE: Thorn Queen (original), Wings of Beginnings, Virgin Blade
» AGE: 18 physically, 15-16 mentally, 10 chronologically
» SEX: Female.
» GENDER: Female.
» ORIENTATION: Heterosexual.

Upbeat, fun-loving, and friendly, Gazelle is everybody's friend. She's rarely on the ground, always jumping through the air like she has wings on her back and wanting to share the experience with the ones who matter most to her. She's not afraid to show her feelings, easily admitting to Kaito that she loves him, and gets so caught up in what she's doing that she'll forget simple things like making sure her shirt doesn't ride up over her head while she's upside down.

She's undeniably skilled, playful, and curious - a dangerous combination. She enjoys spending her time around others, mimicking their actions, having fun learning how other people live. She takes immense pleasure in the simplest things, enjoying her freedom to the fullest, and often drags people along (whether they like it or not) to go exploring with her or share one of her discoveries.

Her senses are very sharp, to the point where Kaito tells her she's like a dog when she jumps to attention, hearing someone approaching their apartment before they even knock. She has a serious side when necessary, and despite seeming to dislike fighting, she is clearly very talented at it.

She was a blank slate when found - having no memory of herself other than her name, Gazelle, and nothing in her possession aside from her Air Treck.

As time progresses and the Takeuchi brothers hunt her and Kaito down, her serious side begins to show more prominently. She's selfless and forgiving - saving the person who betrayed her and Kaito because he was only human too, and finally taking her own life in order to keep Kaito safe.

She comes back not long after her death in the body of their son, Akito. She was/is the body's first personality, Lind, and maintains all of her memories as Gazelle.


Their body is small, approximately four foot eight inches tall and weighing eighty-four pounds. They are well proportioned, a slight curve to their waist and hips, and their muscles are toned from years of training. Their bone structure is delicate and feminine; face more sharpened and mature than it was at the beginning of the series, when it was rounder and more childish.

They have medium-length navy blue hair, slightly shorter and flipped out in the back while longer and straight in the front. Their eyes range from honey to gold depending on which personality is active, and are often wearing a plain white medical eye patch.

Their clothing style of choice is modern goth-punk lolita, Akito prefering the more feminine styles while Agito prefers the more masculine baggy mis-matched style. When training they forego their fashion and wear clothes for functionality instead: t-shirts and sweats instead of jeans and overcomplicated tops.

They're fond of accessories, and almost always wear a plain leather dog collar around their neck with a small metal loop where they can attach their cell phone for convenience. During casual outings Akito can usually be found with a small fashionable purse on his side, and will dress up in skirts and frills with the girls when the opportunity arises.

» AKITO: His eye is a bright, honey-brown and quite rounded and innocent in shape. Overall his face appears quite feminine, unlike Agito who appears more masculine.

» AGITO: His eye is amber-gold with a wide, slitted pupil. It's narrower than Akito's; slightly more masculine.

» LIND: His eyes are the same colour [as Akito and Agito's respectively, and therefore heterochromic], though his pupils are overlapping crosses that are indicative of his status as a Brain Charger. The pupil change isn't explained in canon, but is likely to be simple eye dilation as it doesn't appear to do anything other than make it clear which personality is in control. His hair is permanently windswept, as though it defies gravity or he just ran his hands through it a few too many times, and is kept off of his face.

» GAZELLE: Her face is most similar to Akito's - soft and feminine - and she has a slight, toned frame and small, proportionate breasts. Her hair is slightly longer, still wavy and flipped at the ends. She is also slightly taller than the body of her son.

The differences in eye-shape and facial appearance is most likely due to the fact that each personality holds their face differently. Agito is generally very grouchy and so would be used to keeping his eyes narrowed and his mouth in a frown or smirk, whereas Akito is more personable and would keep his eyes open and lips in a smile.


Other than the fact that Gazelle had escaped or left the laboratory where she was created, along with the other Gravity Children, and that Takeuchi Sora and Nike were after her for her hidden strength, not much of her past is known.

She is found ten years prior to chapter 291 of Air Gear by Wanijima Kaito, unconscious and injured. Her treatment and recovery is unknown, but Kaito and his gang 'Yellow Rain' adopt her into their folds. She introduces them to the world of Air Treck, becoming their 'angel' and, not long after that, Kaito's lover. They maintain a happy relationship for a short while, until they're betrayed by one of the gang and Kaito's friend Kakiya is murdered.

After Nike finds Gazelle, a fight breaks out and, with the help of Uncle Minami, she and Kaito go on the run around the world for six months.

Gazelle is pregnant at this point, though she doesn't show it and practices Falco's Fang skill ruthlessly. She and Kaito are staying in the Russian arctic, living under cover and - despite being on the run - a happy life with each other. When Nike and Sora catch up with them again, Kaito attempts to blow them up but it fails. Gazelle kicks him out of the boat and into the water to spare him a deadly attack, and once they're both in the ocean it's revealed that she stole Kaito's gun from him.

Cornered in the glacial zone connecting Japan and Russia, Gazelle tells the Takeuchi twins that she will go to hell and close the door on them forever, then thanks Kaito for showing her his sky and shoots herself in the head.

Post-Mortem: A Second Life
Akito started out life being dead.

He was the child Gazelle had been carrying while she was on the run with Kaito, and wasn't near fully developed when she killed herself in the Russian arctic. Uncle Minami, however, recovered Gazelle's body, removed the dead fetus, and resuscitated it with the technology available in his lab. To stabilize the child it had to be aged five or so years in the span of around a year, and in that time the child was 'Brain Charged' with Gazelle's personality, abilities, and memories.

Gazelle's personality was too much stress for the weak body, and so 'Lind' sank to the bottom of their mind, with Akito breaking off from the personality to control the body until it was strong enough for Lind to take over. This is the first personality that Kaito and Yasu-san meets on their doorstep, around a year after Gazelle dies.

Kaito's reception of his son is wonderful, pulling him into a hug and ushering him into their makeshift family. What happens between then and the time before Akira is uncertain, though it was filled with much happiness and then with much pain. Akito was taught Air Treck and English and how to use a gun. Eventually they move out of Yasu-san's house (presumably five years after Akito first meets Kaito, when his 'brother' graduates from Tokyo U) and into a trailer on their own, and somewhere in this time Akito qualified as the Fang King.

An estimated six years before current canon, Akito finally brutally kills a target, earning both his brother's praise and his new life in a cage. It's then that Agito emerges from the depths of their consciousness to protect Akito, taking over as Fang King and sharing the burden of the abuse their body receives.

Not long after that, Akira is brought into the WIND family and Akito and Agito seem to be afforded some reprieve from the severe abuse. With Akira in their lives, Akito and Agito were granted more freedoms again, and found their first and best friend in the world. This happiness disappears, however, when two-three years before current canon Akira betrays Agito for Ren-Fah. Akira fights in place of the girl he fell for, injuring them and taking the Fang Regalia from them. When Akira leaves, he takes their freedom with him, and they are put back in their cage. A new addition to their confinement is their signature straitjacket, which they are practically always kept in until they meet Kogarasumaru.

During a mission from Kaito, Akito and Agito meet Ikki and the rest of Kogarasumaru for the first time, and, as a result, manages to escape from his brother in order to live a life free of government responsibility. We learn later on that Akito was going to be court martialled for abandoning his duties, but Akira and Kaito had managed to prevent that from happening. In that same period of time we realize how much Kaito really cares for his 'brother' despite the way he has treated him in the past (it has been said by other members of WIND that the abuse was just Kaito's skewed form of affection, which is later confirmed when Akito realizes that their caged life was meant to keep them safe our of Kaito's fear of losing them). Meeting Ikki had freed Akito from the well, so-to-speak, and Akito immediately fell for the spiky-haired youth, kissing him during this realization. From that point on Akito begins to feel grateful for having been born.

Not long after joining up with Kogarasumaru, Agito plots out a battle against Akira’s team, Behemoth, in order to free him of his obligations so he can experience the sky again, as well as to take back his rightful title.

Agito believes that he is going to disappear for the sake of Akito - fearing that his presence in Akito’s body is what is destroying it - and so gives his all in the Behemoth battle; a last goodbye, of sorts, to both Akira and Akito. This expectation is not met, and after the match and the raid that Kaito and WIND performs on the arena, Agito is taken to the hospital where he learns that it wasn’t him that had caused Akito’s leg to be harmed, but the gruelling training that Kaito had put him through when he was younger.

After the battle against Behemoth, Agito's fondness for their new team is revealed when he says he'll stick around with Kogarasumaru for a bit longer. He and Akito are hospitalized for a few weeks, then go on their class trip to Kyoto once they return to school. It's there that they meet the Rumble King, Yoshitsune, and the events of the Kyoto arc take place.

(Kyoto Arc stuff goes here)

(Spitfire Death goes here)

Agito eventually overcomes the uncertainties he has about his physical limitations following a confrontation with Orca, a new member of Genesis, while training with Kogarasumaru on a small island. Agito and Akito's physical and mental shortcomings trigger the awakening of the first personality, Lind, who goes on to dominate Orca. Nonetheless, Agito regains control of his body, perfecting his signature move in the process. He goes on to unleash the full power of the Fang Regalia for the first time after being tuned by Yayoi Nakayama during the match against Inorganic Net.

In the battle against Sleipnir, Agito is paired against Thor, who reveals that Lind is the original product of the Brain Charger Project. After disabling Thor, Agito teams up with Kazu to pull off a tag-team attack, the Grand Fang Firebird. This technique results in not only the elimination of Thor, but Kazu's opponent, Nott-Dagr as well. It also sets up a team attack by Kogarasumaru which wins them the match. Immediately following the battle, Kogarasumaru and Aeon Clock head to Genesis's base, the Colonel Sanders battleship, to rescue Noyamano Rika.

After being separated from the rest of his team members, Agito is paired off against Shalott and Arthur, Genesis' Rumble King. Despite receiving Akito's and Lind's support, Agito is surprised by Arthur's regalia which is integrated into his body, and is soon dominated in combat. Kaito then arrives, and is quickly pinned down by Shalott and then asked if he is Gazelle, the original Thorn King. Kaito refutes this claim, and while springing a trap that fills Arthur's regalia with a highly combustible gas, reveals that Lind is actually Gazelle.

Lind, infuriated by the fact that Shalott attacked Kaito, launches a winged Fang attack. Shalott then proposes a deal for Lind: seeking their mental power as a Brain Charger, Shalott requests the acquisition of Lind's power. Combined with their abilities as Gravity Children, Shalott theorizes that their combined strength will make them invincible. In exchange, Shalott offers the death of Nike and the safe return of Noyamano Rika from the ship. Lind rejects the offer and completes his attack, citing the fact that Nike is his prey as his reason. The winged Fang strikes, causing the gas within Arthur's regalia to detonate.

After their battle, Kaito reminisces with Lind, who he now refers to as Gazelle, the "Wings of Beginnings." The flashback reveals that ten years prior to the present, Kaito was a member of a skateboarding gang of hoodlums known as "Yellow Rain." Here, he is shown as first meeting a sleeping Gazelle in an alleyway, wounded, unconscious, and surrounded by garbage. The flashback reveals that Gazelle and Kaito fell in love, and eventually fell into conflict with the Takeuchi brothers who pursued Gazelle for her powers as a Brain Charger with the "Virgin Blade".

Eventually cornered in the glacial zone that connects Japan and Russia, Gazelle commits suicide. Dr. Minami later reveals that Gazelle was pregnant when she died and that he had recovered her body and managed to save the life of the child she carried.

shared consciousness.

When it comes to their mind, it's a very complex place.

The personality in control of the body at the time isn't in their 'mindscape', but the two that remain 'inactive' are left together in it, to interact with each other however they'd like. Lind tends to stay in his/her own closed-off portion of their mindscape, staying behind a cage wall to keep from being too close to the other two.

In addition, one of the inactive personalities can serve as a 'ghost' of sorts to the active personality to fight alongside them mentally - judging the situation and watching things as an observer. They remain unaffected by what happens to the body.

One of the inactive personalities can also share their strength in one of two ways. First, to simply send their strength from inside their mindscape, and second, to merge into the body so that the inactive personality becomes semi-active. Lind does the second method of power-sharing (often just taking over the body completely), while Akito sticks to the first method.

Their consciousnesses are entirely separate despite the fact that they share a mind, as shown when Akito wakes up and explains that Agito is still unconscious (chapter 222). This can also be the explanation as to why they are so much more powerful when their powers are combined rather than separate.

In terms of memories, they don't share a single one. Lind has all of his memories of his life as Gazelle, Akito has all of his memories from before Agito but none of Gazelle's memories, and Agito has all of his memories but none of the other two's. All of the personalities can share the memories of what the body is doing at the time if they are 'awake' in the mind and paying attention, though they can also keep things from each other such as when Agito was plotting the fight between Behemoth and Kogarasumaru and Akito wasn't informed of the details.

They are, effectively, three separate people inside one singular body, who stem from a singular soul. They have their own consciousnesses, personalities, memories, etc. Despite this, however, they are entirely dependent on the support of each other and would not do well separated.

mind reading/telepathy/etc.

as it comes up quite often in roleplay and canon doesn't explain it, I've done my best to figure out how these sorts of abilities would work on them.

Mental manipulation and influence will - generally - not work on them unless it is something minor. Memory manipulation will not work unless all personalities are altered, which would take a great deal of effort and ability as Lind is always hiding out in the deeper, darker recesses of their mind. Their mindscape is also protected by bars and chains; it is very dark and difficult to navigate as well. If your character is interested as well as able to push past their defenses, please contact me and we can work something out.

As for telepathy, what would normally be considered 'surface thoughts' in most people would actually be found in the 'second' level of their mind, as the 'surface' level consists of Akito and Agito interacting with each other as though they were on a physical plane. To actually invade their mind would be very tiring, since there are two other 'minds' in there at all times who are able to keep themselves protected - Lind especially, since he's able to control the cages and chains in their mindscape to trap and confine any other minds within it.


♣ For all of their incredible strength, due to the years of physically taxing training when he was young their body is very fragile. During their battle against Akira and Behemoth is when this weakness is most noticeable, as the muscle in their right leg splits from the strain of their Fangs. They required weeks of hospitalization after that particular battle, though specialized treatment involving acupuncture and massage helped to rid their system of toxin build-ups, helping their muscle to heal more quickly than it would have otherwise.

♠ Since that injury Agito has modified the way he fights to rely more on technique and tactics than before, limiting his Fang use as much as possible so that less strain is put on their leg. While physically they are weaker than they were a few years past, their increased technical ability makes up for it tenfold, to the point where now they're considered to be stronger than they ever were.

♥ Their Air Treck are named Sand Tiger.

♦ The canon-point(s) I play them from are chapter 304 (il Promenade), and chapter 326 page 5 (Legendsnet & Magicdraft).

Voice reference.
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