Long and short of it, this past week was from hell. Major insomnia issues lead to major mental instabilities; let me tell you, it is not fun to actually feel like you are going crazy. Still gives me a few chills when I think about it.
Back online from my weekly recharge of Friday and Saturday. Did some fun social yesterday and sampled a lot of the anime DVDs that I have. Ah, I say a lot, but really just a small portion. Still! I found it fun and that's what counts (and hopefully the others enjoyed it at least in part). Thinking about a similar day in early July, when my parents are on a cruise and I have full access to their LCD tele and its computer input jack. ♥
Caught up on Reborn this morning, and finding myself in an interesting position. While I do like the character of Byakuran and what he does, he's the first one that I would truly like to see die. What he does is delightfully ruthless; the sorts of characters I love the most, and yet want to strangle. Maybe it's just my inner Mukuro being pouty that he has a rival for cruelty. >.>; Also, Uni? Adorable, 'nuff said.
Catching up on my movie watching, going to talk about something I saw... three weekends ago.
Benjamin Bratt playing the main role in the movie made it interesting, though they took definite artistic license with the odd-man scenario. Maybe not, because I haven't read it for ages, but I'm pretty sure they did.
I think my major complaint about the movie was the massive changes to the source and intent of Andromeda. While it made for an expansion of the original plot into roughly three+ hours, I had a hard time seeing Andromeda as a malignant thing intent on destroying all life. Also, the discovery of a cure went against the original scare principle of the story. I liked that little chill of a feeling that came of knowing that humanity was generally safe because it went dormant and rose into the atmosphere, but it could have killed more people had it not fallen 'asleep' as it were.
All in all, an interesting take on the original novel and I would suggest people who like the killer disease sort of storyline give it a guarded shot.
Today... must run out and get father a Father's Day gift, then do some family time before coming home and working on more icons and Naoya's journal.