Apr 14, 2005 03:14
i don't know what kind of day I had today. I found my money, which was awesome. I used it to buy wine, which fucking rocked. i went to the gym, had an easy work out, but it made me feel good. Was totally preoccupied worrying about my friend, but things worked out for him. That made me feel good. Hung out with llargh, but too little. that made me feel less good. Hung out with another friend, just long enough for a smoke, and that also was too little and did not make me feel good. About friends though. I miss mine. My best friend from high school is pregnant, but I have not called her in a very long while. I missed my cousin's christening. I am a bad friend. My friendships here are super weird. I have very few. Some people who think I'm one of their best friends, but whose actions don't fit into what I would consider best friend. Some people who I feel super close to, but don't get to spend much time with. One person whom I respect and admire but who I am not sure I will ever be friends with. My only satisfaction out of that relationship will likely be knowing that i enjoy being/trying to be his friend. I've had some horrible experiences with people, and sometimes I hate people. But every once in a while I feel like i have been blessed with the people I have had the opportunity to know. Even the people who have fucked me over, or the ones that I have been less than the perfect friend to, or the ones that I have lost contact with. That is the truth, as often as I forget it.
But on hating people- what the fuck is up with them anyway? I've been reading Galateo for one of my Italian classes. As pompous and superficial as we might imagine Renaissance society to have been, they were on to some shit. the author of this particular piece had no concept of the value of individuality, it is true. He certainly did not adress his treatise to the common person, or to women. Nonetheless, who among us does not need to realize that we should care about other people? That you don't scratch your ass, or pick your nose in public? More importantly, how often do we forget that violence, arrogance, mockery, and pretentiousness are all traits/actions that may hurt or offend other people? Why is it that so often we have to be reminded that common courtesy should not be reserved for people who can fire or fail you? Della Casa did not say this, but I know that if he could have he would have exhorted "What the world needs now is love! Sweet Love!" He also wrote that people should not try to be clever or witty when they really have no talent for it. I'll be the first to own up to that fault in particular. Though I do think that I possess a singular charm, that people may not notice unless they have to try to figure out why they and others put up with my corny jokes. Am I still on the soap box? No, I think I stepped down at some point over the course of the last two sentences. I wonder if I'm self righteous? I suppose I might be. Della Casa also talked about lots of reasons why one should not offer advice. I'm going to try to take that piece of *advice* to heart, but I do reserve the right to give myself five-minute breaks (from listening to that advice) at least every once in a while. Della Casa also talked about talking too much. Which I have. But he also talked about talking too little. So I continue. But I lie. I am, in fact, quite done.