Because the proponents of Proposition 8 don't have a real argument to use against their opponents, they've begun a campaign full of half-truths and outright lies to shift favor back their way.
This is the first tv ad in favor of Prop 8:
Click to view
*takes a breath* Wow, the lies.
First: "Four judges ignored 4 million voters and imposed same-sex marriage on California." Prop 22 was not ignored. It was found unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court. That's the goddamn job of the Supreme Court. STFU.
Second: "Acceptance of gay marriage is now mandatory." Fuck you, lady, no it isn't. No churches are required to join gay people in matrimony if it's against their beliefs, that's specifically stated in the Supreme Court ruling. Also, it's im-fucking-possible to legislate belief, so y'all can not accept gay marriage in your own lives as much as you like. What has changed is that the law - not belief, law - is now equal for everybody, regardless of sexual orientation.
Third: "People sued over personal beliefs." Discrimination based on sexual orientation is already illegal, and was illegal before gays could marry. The lawsuits referred to had to do with discrimination, not the right to marry.
Fourth: "Churches could lose their tax exemption." Sweet Jesus, what a bald-faced lie. Churches could lose their exemption if they use the church to get involved in political campaigns, which is a protection of the separation of church and state. This has nothing to do with whether or not gays can marry.
Fifth: "Gay marriage taught in public schools." Only if the school board, the parents, AND the Education Code want it to be taught. The article used in the commercial refers to a court case Massachusetts, not California. There is no state requirement for any school to teach about gay marriage.
Since that ad and its pack of lies hit the networks,
support for Prop 8 has grown. Voters are taking this shit as truth and getting scared that the gays marrying will affect them personally, even though the gays have been getting married since June and nobody's noticed a goddamn thing. Unless you're in San Francisco, in which case you might've noticed some really happy old ladies holding hands and grinning at each other.
California people, don't be taken in by lies. Get the truth out. There is no reason for the state to make a distinction between gay and straight couples in terminology or benefits, and absolutely no reason to make a constitutional amendment promoting inequality based on sexual orientation. The arguments in support of Prop 8 are a mix of lies, total balderdash, religious bias, and being squicked out by the thought of men holding hands. Bitch, please.
Even Republicans think this is full of shit:
Click to view
For more information against Prop 8, check out
No on Prop 8,
Equality California,
Let California Ring,
the Human Rights Campaign, and the hilarious (well, to me)
Mormons for Marriage.
For info on what the supporters are saying, there's the insanely named
Protect Marriage,
What is Prop 8? which propagates the lies from the tv ad, another insanely named
National Organization for Marriage, the evil
Focus on Your Own Fucking Family the Family, and because it seems that the Mormons can't decide what stand they want to take,
Mormons for 8.