Well I have started yet another model ship build, the 'Endeavour' of 'Captain Cook' fame.
The ship started life as the 'Earl of Pembroke' and was launched in June 1764. The was was acquired 28 March 1768 as Earl of Pembroke and commissioned 26 May 1768.
The model goes to together well, (Issue 1 parts anyway), the partwork runs for 100 issues with 17 sails to add to the model. The Australian National Martime Museum site for the Endeavour says she carries 28 sails, but in the book 'Anatomy of the ship - Endeavour' it only shows 22 sails. Wonder where I can fit the extra sails on the model. The model also has 10 4lb cannons and 12 1lb swivel guns.
The partwork is only available in Australia for now.
1st photo of the new partwork, Build the Endeavour.
The photos of the build, 1st go at doing it.
My fix of the 1st bulkhead, it wasn't quite straight the 1st time.
The HMB Endeavour at the Australian National Maritime Museum.
A view of the Captains Cabin, would have been better without the people in it as well.
Some more photos of the Endeavour that I took, when I went to Sydney.