You know, it really is crazy all the stuff you can find dating from way back when to now. Tonight while chit chatting with Brandi, she reminded me she still had my LJ on her friends list. At first I thought, "I don't have a LJ." But then she reminded me, that uh... oh yes, I do. Now granted, it's only five posts, nothing of any value to anyone, anywhere, other than myself, however I still found it amusing. It's amazing how much can happen in five years... how much a person can change. I don't think anyone is exactly the same person they were five years prior, but I'm just now beginning to appreciate that little fact of life. *claps for herself* Dur.
Well, in my rather prolonged absence I have been in a relationship with an asshole, broken up, gotten into another relationship with this time a better guy, moved out of state with him, lost touch with friends, went through one deployment with him, got married, made new amazing friends, went through a second deployment together, rejoined with old friends... did I also mention becoming a firefighter and making captain...? Well then, how funny is life? Apparently this one ain't workin' either. (Oh, also picked up a slight southern drawl. *hides* Don't strike me down my fellow yanks!) But even though it is not, he is still one of the sweetest people I know. As my brand of luck would have it, it becomes apparent that even though two people might be the best of friends, that does not always a happy marriage make.
*sigh* Anyway, now that I've given you the brief run down... yes, a lot more has happened... but I don't care to go in to it, quite frankly some of it are things I'd rather soon forget. But I've skimmed over the more important parts and now I'm free to begin working on the task of trying to explain where I am going... or do I want to get into that now... perhaps I'll save that for a later date. Give you time to wrap your brains around canceling your missing persons report.
And how have YOU ALL been? Let me know. =)
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Song of THE moment... forgive my emo self.