
Sep 13, 2004 18:37

Okay.. here's the thing.. I hate my life.. lol I mean it's kinda simple.. my bestfriend moves.. ((all 3 of em)).. boys don't like me.. no one is here for me emotionally.. lol It's all too weird how everything works out.

My bestfriends.. Kyli- she is moving to Greenville, by the way, is 2 hours away and until I get my car to go and see her it's gonna be hell without her. People call us TwInS! I love it cuz we kinda are! Neato! Anyways.. I don't wanna see her leave and me not be able to see her for a long period of time. I wish she wouldn't move! Brooke- now she is a different story.. I love her to death. We are the EXACT same in most of the ways that we are.. We just don't give a shit what people think about us.. We don't care about anything and we are bitches to people we don't like.. lol It's quit funny but that's just the way we are.. I love you BrOoKe ((LiTtLeJoHn)).. Then there is Jennifer.. The sweet Jennifer that I love with all my heart! I've known her since FOREVER. Kindergarden.. we loved it.. we have a picture of me and her back then. Me in my flower shorts ((sExy......KiNdA)).. her and her bushy ass head of hair. I don't remember one time that we have fought and not gotten over it in like a day..lol.. She is my lil siter damnit.. She moved to Lubbock! How far away can you get?! GEEZ! I hate her being there! ..5 freaking hours.. MaN.. And I think I can speak for all of us ((Me, BrOoKe L, kHrIsTeN, aNd KyLi)) that we will ALL miss her. No matter what kind of fight we got in or anything. We were always there for each other! Now everyone is leaving. It's just me and Khristen here pretty soon. Our best friends are leaving. How much more worse can this get? I mean.. it's gEtoVeRaBlE ((not a word.. I know)).. if maybe just ONE moves.. but 3?.. TOO MUCH! I think this is got to be the hardest thing I might have to overcome by myself.

BoYs.. Wow.. I don't even know where to begin. 1.. they are ALL asses. 2.. they are all so selfish. Whoa.. I'm not even gonna list anymore. I could go on and on.. but why would I waste my time writing this and nothing change.?. haha.. I dunno. Daniel ((my recent ex)).. I don't know about him anymore.. I don't know how to think about him or anything.. I'm always confused.. I don't know if I'm still in love with him or what? I DON'T KNOW! lol.. Maybe it's cuz he stayed with me for so long.. even through all the shit we went through..? No IdEa!.. But, I hate not knowing how he feels.:)-oH wElL- Then there is Jake.. HUmM>.. I think he has got to be the ONLY guy that actually knows more shit about me than my parents or my brothers! Which is REALLY weird cuz I'm closer to my brothers than anyone. Me and Jake have always tried to be together but it never works out. It's either him that fucks it up.. or just.. me! But, I dunno. I've tried to figure us both out.. maybe we just know each other TOO WELL and scared to be together. I'll ALWAYS love him like a brother or my BESTFRIEND EVER!..........SeAn.. I can't even put words together when I think about me and him. I don't know what to say to him when I talk to him.. I don't know how to act around him ((even though I'm myself anyway)).. He's in love with Jennifer Carr.. I love her to death.. but I just don't know how that happen. I don't even know what else to say. HuMm>..

bEsTfRiEnDs.. I still have Khristen. I love her to death and would do anything in the world for her ((eVeN bEaT uP mEaNiEs FoR hEr)).. I have Brooklyn Rotenberry too! She is fucking tiite and we laugh about everything! lol *SwEaR tO gOd* lol.. we even made cute lil matching bags together!! which are GhETtO but tiite as hell! HAHA..
ThE bOyS..HuMm>.. I love every guy to death.. matter of fact.. I have more guy friends than I do girlfriends. It's quit cool! but.. I think it's just gonna be that way. Friends.. with all of them. Someone will eventually love me the way someone once did.
eMoTiOnAlLy ThInG.. I don't wanna get into that right now.. lol This eNtRy is long enough:P..

I'll update later!
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