
Oct 13, 2005 16:19

With a few exceptions, very few, I hate hate hate physicists. I would go as far as to say: Do away with it completely as a science. If ever a physics-related skill is need, well we have P-chem people for that.

Ranting over, the Explanation: Went to see the course coordinator for the Physics Department, Dr. Adelson, to find out if it would be possible to take Physics 132 and Math 152 concurrently since the latter is a prerequisite for the former. He wouldn't allow me to say enough to get to that point. All he would allow himself to hear is that I (and this not a direct quote, but a summarized version) "was a [lazy] student who didn't want to do the work in the math classes and skip ahead in the physics classes". I should have expected this after having to spend 10 minutes explaining to my instructor, Dr. De Lucia, that I was seeing him then for advice on how to better study for the class and not seeking (a direct quote) "a magic solution to passing the class". Adelson must have some genetic relation to Dr. Tatz in the Chemistry department. Criticize me, laugh at me, at the worst just say no and end the conversation there, but please 'hear' me out and 'listen' to what I have to say. I absolutely cannot stand it when an instructor accepts or rejects a students request without hearing what the request is. What is funny is that the reasons behind the request are not a concern or under attack, there was never a position reached to be supported by those reasons.

Time for...Japanese Conversation Group. As a part of trying to learn from my mistakes and better myself academically and as a person I decided to leave my comfort zone and take an initiative. I suggested, in class one day, that some of us from the J101 class get together and form a study/conversation/diolog group. That was step one, getting up infront of a group of unfamiliar people and speaking out. After class, the people who were interested started asking me when we would be meeting, where we would be meeting, for how long, what we were going to work on, et cetera, et cetera. So I got some peoples schedules and arranged a time that seemed to be decent, hunted, and found, a good place to meet, and went to one of the instructors, Wukai-sensee, about what she recommended we work on. Steps two and three. Step four is to care for this baby and make sure it survives at least this quarter. The payoff for al this work and flustration? 1) satisfying the compulsive part of my nature that likes to help people 2) improving my grade in J101 and 3) via 1), helping to improve/maintain the grades of some of the others in my J101 class.
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