...If I could find and understand the pattern of random chaos that is constantly rearranging the factors of my life, I could predict some issues based on probability and work to avoid them or atleast minimize their affect. However, this is my own pattern of relentless self-destruction, so of course it makes no sense to me.
Huh. Guess I kinda needed to vent somethings. Any ways, one exam done, one exam left, and one exam removed from the race. I failed to complete a couple chem labs before the deadline and will therefore automatically fail the entire class and am not even going to bother going to the final. I don't see the point. These last two weeks I have been overtaken by an ever-growing wave of apathy, one stronger than usual. I know that I should be extremely concerned about things right now, my emotional state included in that, but I just really don't care. I got to get over that soon. Once classes are over I have issues at home to deal with, issues at work to worry about (both jobs), financial concerns, and my car is dying. To wrap it all up, I accomplished absolutely nothing in the last 10 weeks. Nothing. Socially, financially, academically, emotionally...nothing. I don't know what else to do. This quarter was supposed to be when I started to fix the mistakes I made, not make them even more complex. Let me make a correction, that right there is the ONE thing I managed to accomplish...that and keeping my personal Hell from bleeding into other people's lives. Maybe I should take the summer off and think about why i'm in college, what I plan to do there, and then how to do it.
Ranting and raving, nothing really important.