august already?!

Aug 10, 2008 02:02

once again it has been some time since i posted. while i am online as regularly as ever, i am not around lj as much as i once was and honestly, i just forget to post.

i have recently picked up a second job at another hospital north of here. i worked tonight and witnessed an interesting conversation. myself and another tech were waiting to go into an isolation room in the neonatal icu, also in the hall was the parent of the baby we were about to x-ray and the family of the child in the next room. they greeted one another like old friends and shared their little one's latest vitals. there was a sense of comaraderie...of kinship between the two families. it was sad that these small babies had been there so long that these relationships had formed and simultaneously heartwarming to see strangers brought together and finding strength in shared circumstances.

tomorrow is my day off..yeah! after that my next day off is....the 24th. ye gods....what am i thinking?!

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