(no subject)

Nov 08, 2006 14:40

I got this from some journal that I was reading, I think looking for some Jack/Boone fic... Anyway, thought I'd give it a go.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people.

It took long enough that I got worried, but finally he opened the door and called me over. he hadn't rolled down the window because I had the keys and the windows were electric. For some reason I still hadn't tracked down, thw windows only worked one at a time even with the car running.

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs

See, I'm sitting on my bed, and my bed is next to my book shelf, my alphabetically organised bookshelf... And since my books start about halfway down, after my two shelves of toiletries, make-up, perfume, nail varnish and straighteners, and my two and a half shelves of DVDs and videos, the authors that begin with 'B', are like, right there. So, it really was the first book I reached for, and a really good, if short, one too. The sequel's coming out in a couple of months!

And, for anybody who's interested, here's the blurb:

"Werewolves can be dangerous if you get in their way, but they'll leave you alone if you are careful. They are very good at hiding their natures from the human population, but I'm not human. I know them when I meet them, and they know me, too.

Mercy Thompson's sexy next-door neighbour is a werewolf.

She's tinkering with a VW bus at her mechanic shop that happens to belong to a vampire.

But then, Mercy Thompson is not exactly normal herself... and her connection to the world of things that go bump in the night is about to get her into a whole lot of trouble."

Yeah, well, seriously, check it out.


P.S. I tag everybody who reads this... which will probably be around about... nobody. *le sigh*

meme, books

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