Jun 16, 2005 19:28
i cut my own hair today. two months of growing...it REALLY needed it, and i don't have the cash to pay a hair dresser. and you know what? I LOVE IT!!! it's way shorter than the first time...the longest pieces to about my chin, and it's so cute. yay.
also, got my ears pierced again. two in the cartilages. i wanted to get six more earrings, but it was $30 for two...so that's all i could afford. darn. still want to get a lip ring (saw some asian rocker chick...she was so hot...in a non-lesbian way...and she had a lip ring). *whimper* it soooo sucks having strict parents. blah.
oh yeah. and i'm working with KYLE...the so called "dreaded stalker/psycho" ex-boyfriend of mere's. but you know what? he's actually really nice. that kinda unnerved me cuz i had my guard up, waiting for him to be some scary jerk-off. but everyone at work loves him. *shrugs* i'll be nice...just not TOO nice, if you get my drift. ;)
and cyndi's home. please pray for her. she had her fourth "bad" pregnancy and they had to take her tubes out. yeack. so she's home in bed. i need to go visit her. hmmm. (oh yeah, if you don't know, cyndi's my music pastor's wife. she's like a big sis to me. she's the coolest over 30 woman in the world)
something by the used (too lazy to look