Feb 05, 2007 13:01
But can our country get an effing clue?
I just read an article about how the FDA has approved 7 hospitals to start testing the effects of weight loss surgery on children and adolescents (13-17 year olds). Hello??? 4 are testing the gastric bypass, 3 the band method.
Okay, not for nothing folks, but isn't this a little obscene? Numerous children in the article are to the point they can't exercise because they are too large, they are in the beginning stages of diabetes and heart problems.
Wouldn't it have been easier to start watching their diets before they got to this stage? How about make little Suzie get up off her rapidly expanding backside and go outside and play / exercise? Less time in front of the computer / tv / video games that mom and dad are relying on to babysit so they don't have to be bothered actually raising their own children? Maybe not let her eat so much junk and sugar in her diet? Introduce her to salads and raw veggies for snacks? I understand that there are times when due to medical reasons surgery is the answer, but I can't believe it's the answer *THAT* often.
Maybe we should worry a little less about teaching kids multiple languages and instead start teaching them basic nutrition instead? The "mean weight" of the subjects they are talking about are 297 lbs. This didn't happen overnight. Did their parents and everyone else involved in their lives just not notice they were becoming obese? Or have they all along figured that by the time it got out of control there would be a "quick fix" out there and they could just cheat and not have to really work at it?