Jan 07, 2014 03:41
man it's been a while since I've updated this thing. ^_^ well a lot has happened since I've updated this, well I found out I have bi-polar as well as fibromyalgia and pre-diabeties although it's been rough but I'm doing well. I have gotten another tattoo and I love it ^_^ I also dyed my hair purple ^_^ like I said things have been hard but it's getting better. I'm working on facing my nightmares and night terrors by working on my PTSD during my counseling. I am trying to learn Japanese and a couple other languages. the weather has been crazy then again this is Washington so I'm not really surprised. the mountain is really beautiful when you can see it. sometimes there is a really odd fog that covers a section of the road in front of the mental hospital which is really odd but it makes me think of Silent Hill when you go through it. the fog is really thick and you really can't see what is in front of you then it just stops