Ummmmm yep this is different. I'm sure I'll find all the buttons I'm looking for eventually. Ahem. Back to the post I intended to make when I logged in....
I finally sold my minifee body....for $65 less than what I paid. That's a bummer, but oh well. Still lots of other stuff trying to sell.
Being pregnant makes me tired (more on that under the cut), and I just can't even bring myself to take the dolls out of the cabinet anymore. I feel bad, like maybe I should go ahead and put them in their storage boxes to better protect them from dust. I need to rearrange upstairs anyway (also related to baby). I don't have the urge to get rid of any of the dolls. I look forward to having a normal energy level again, but sometimes I worry that I'll never get to play with the dolls like i used to since I'll be a mom >.< Ugh.
I don't have enough energy for sewing projects, but I successfully painted a picture.
Dia de los Muertos Pin-Up 2 by
Skyealloway on
deviantART I really like this painting - I was kind of sad to give it to my cousin. Doll people friends might recognize my model, it's an iplehouse doll lol. Painting was a good activity because I can leave and go back to it as often as I needed to, which also worked well because I could come at it with fresh eyes each time. I think that's why this one turned out better - because it took more tries to finish it. I'd like to keep painting. I feel that if I draw/paint pictures closer together, each one gets better, whereas if I take a long break in-between projects, I don't improve. It's hard to pick a subject and be motivated though.
I am very pregnant now! I stopped throwing up around week 20. And my acid indigestion has slowly gone down. The only negative side effects that I still have is 1) I outgrew all my bras...again and 2)I'm tired. Before I was pregnant, when I was thinking about being pregnant, I thought about some baby stuff that would be fun to make while waiting for baby. Ya know what? I can barely get my ass to work. Sometimes, I sleep all day, literally. And not a lazy kind of sleep - a hard, snoring kind of sleep.
I like how nice strangers are too me now. I get compliments on my outfits. Everyone holds the door. Store associates make sure I find what I'm looking for, and explain how to use new products to me (seriously, like 4 people helped me at Home Depot). I haven't had any issues that seem to plague other pregnants - no one has tried to touch my belly without asking (honestly, only my coworkers and family have even asked). The only person who makes me nervous with scary stories is my cousin, but I can usually call my sister-in-law and hear how it was different for her and then I feel better. Jason is getting irritated with some of the feedback that he is getting though - he's tired of people telling him he'll never sleep again, and my grandma is very upset that he's going to be stay-at-home-dad (that's my idea, but I don't think she believes me).
I don't think I really started "feeling" pregnant until recently. And maybe its the feedback from strangers. Maybe its because I look very pregnant. But I think it is really because baby moves around a lot. Sometimes I just sit and look at my belly moving. One time I booped my belly, and he pushed back! I'm/He's not so big that you can tell what body parts are pushing out yet, but I have guesses. Makes me happy to just sit and chill with baby. Jason's being a sweetheart about it too, I feel all warm fuzzies.
My professional pregnant pictures are scheduled for August 2, and my due date is still August 27. Depending on the turn-around time of the photos, hopefully I'll be back to post some before I'm too busy with a baby. Hopefully baby stays in there too so he can be a Libra instead of a Leo. Come on Libra! lol.