Just Some Thoughts After Watching the Tonight's News

Nov 07, 2008 22:07

In the post-election days I have found myself simultaneously proud and disgusted by the state of things.  I was, of course, proud that we finally have come to the point as a nation that we can elect an African-American as president---or, rather, more importantly, that we have gone beyond what is thought of as a "Traditional American" to represent our country.  And, following the poll results, I was disappointed by the passing of prop 8.  But, I suppose, that even as forward-thinking and progressive California is, it is still fallible.  The fight still continues on, with people flooding the streets in protestation of prop 8.  Hope is still there and I'm happy that this set back (because it is a set back that will be overcome in time) has not deterred people from fighting for what they believe in.

However, tonight I am quite disappointed in some people.  On the news they showed a church that has been vandalized with graffiti saying "no on prop 8".  As impassioned as people are, I can only feel that no good can come from defiling what is thought sacred to those who oppose prop 8.  If we are to eventually garner the support of individuals who are initially against gay/lesbian marriages, we cannot attack them by vandalizing churches.  You can pitch up signs on the road in front of the church, get people to pass out flyers for people who pass by---but graffiti?  It seems like something an immature high school student would do.  I understand that people are angry, but I really can't see as vandalizing a church as protesting constructively.

*sigh*  I hope people just continue going the route of a lot of other protesters who are doing more constructive demonstrations that will make defeating prop 8 seem like a real, worthwhile cause and not something that a bunch of rabble-rousers are involved in.

As for everything else on the news....how depressing.  13,000 more jobs being lost, unemployment at its highest in the last 14 years, and cutting of funding to universities and k-12 schools.

Hope everyone's being smart with their money.
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