Pictures from Chalet

Mar 05, 2010 17:21

Okay, so here are the pictures from chalet! Very picture heavy post.

This is how our makeshift barbecue pit looked like before it's been used. Look, they've only just started the fire!

There's the blue water dispenser that looks like a fish tank. And some of the food for barbecuing.

Nick in shorts!! *gasps* And what the hell was I doing??

Like I said, I was walking around barefooted, like nobody's business. Probably dirtied the whole chalet everywhere I stepped.

After we've cooked enough food, most of us settled down to eat.


The hotdogs are charcoal black. We didn't know that it cooks fast and we left it on the grill for too long. Oh well, it's still delicious.

Chris is emo-ing in the background while Joel plays some touch rugby.


More satay! That's where the coals caught fire and people start cooking marshmallows.

Shifting the grill so that we can throw in the corn to be cooked.


Miss Piggies!

You can see Kenneth's Mac Pro in the background. He got stickers from bus signs, Island Creamery, DIY pop-up signs made from styrofoam and a Beatles matchbox all over his laptop.

Day 2:

We had barbecued lunch.

Germaine is so efficient. She even has time to check her phone before we mattress surf.

Here we go!!!


Zakir installing the amp. Kenneth just has to bring his speakers everywhere he goes.

Stop touching your hair Germs!!

Aaah.... Chalet night, it was fun while it lasted.
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