Oct 12, 2005 08:27
Hiya guys, how are all you doing? I’m not doing to horrible, um Chubby died… Or I think he did he’s not with Squishy… his mom was probably stupid and left her somewhere, least Squishy is still alive though, and doing well. First male kitten that might survive that we have had in a LONG time. Anyways, stressing I got a test over the constitution that I didn’t study for. My sister is getting married tomorrow, not even sure if I am going though, she said I could if it was after school because I can’t miss any more days without having to take my exams. Plus, they are having Lupe do it… he talks WAY to much, which is why I changed out of that church (Church of God). Anyways, I’m lazy, and I went to Abilene yesterday, and my uncles. My uncle has the cutest dog! It is a great dane named shy, that is like 7 months old, but she is fricken huge… I want one dog like that, in my rat terrior farm… lol. Well I got tons of crap I got to do. So I gotta go.