So yeah... being the geek I am, I downloaded bought the new Nancy Drew game (The Legend of the Crystal Skull) and the CSI game (Hard Evidence). Just thought I'd kinda...put down some thoughts on them.
Nancy Drew: The Legend of the Crystal Skull
Yes, I love these games. It started in...I don't know, grade 5 or 6 (?) and has lasted all this time. Something about them, I just really like. And it's kinda cool to have watched how much the graphics have improved since the first few games (the first one I played was the third one and this one is the seventeenth, to give you an idea).
Anyways, overall, I rather liked this installment. I have to say, the character design has gotten soooo much better, even from the last one. It's nice to see the mouths actually moving somewhat realistically and them not doing the same movement over and over again. The setting was good, rainy New Orleans in an old house (think, Skeleton Key, the game was giving off vibes from this movie. Which is fine, since I thought it was good XD). The only thing was that it seemed rather contained. Playing as Nancy, you're stuck in the house, it's gardens, and the old cemetary behind it; and as Bess, you only had a couple places you could go. The fact that you couldn't leave the house's property was a little disappointing, it would have been nice to go around New Orleans a bit. Also, if the rain had not been continuous, it would have been more realistic.
What else? Oh...the spiders. Seriously, who the hell thought that was a good idea?? XD I hate them, and the problem with realistic graphics? Realistic bloody spiders -_- I saw a trailer for the game a while ago, in which it showed a jack in the box with a spider that popped out. By the time I played, I completely forgot about that. So here I am, happily clicking away to get the box to pop open and WHAM! There's a bloody spider in my face. ....yeah, I jumped and somewhat screamed (not loud though so not overly embarrassing /swt) And then there was the one in the drain pipe which, if it bit you three times, you die...which I found out the hard way *facepalm*
One thing that always amuses me is the fact that these games which are probably meant for younger people (as in, young teens) sometimes have damn difficult puzzles. I mean, a few of them took ages for me to figure out. I'd hate to be some poor 11 year old trying to figure out that these numbers written down are meant to indicate what letters in a letter open a lock. /swt
Lastly, I was somewhat disappointed by the ending. I mean, there's usually this somewhat difficult final showdown between you and the bad guy, usually resulting in your death if something is not done within a specific time. For instance, I still haven't figured out the ending to The Haunted Carousel XD Although, it seems to me like the last few games have been getting easier. I haven't figured White Wolf of Icicle Creek yet (the one that came out before this one), so I can't speak for that one but, Creature of Kapu Cave (damn disappointing game, probably my least favourite of them all) and Danger by Design where both like..."What? That's the ending?? ....oh" So yeah, Crystal Skull's ending was predictable and way too easy. I don't know if there was a time frame or what (probably) but all you had to do was figure out this matching puzzle thing and then click one button and that was it. Done, finito.
Overall though, I did enjoy the game. I particularly liked the message they had at the beginning. If I remember correctly, it went something like this: "Warning, this game is best played in the dark. If it is daytime, turn off the lights and shut the blinds." Something like that anyways. That amused me though XD
Oh, and I really liked the music in it too. XD
CSI: Hard Evidence
Well, I've only actually done the first three cases but, I'll put my opinion so far anyways.
So, as always, the graphics leave much to be desired. Character design is...blah, and just amused me that Nancy Drew had better graphics. XD Umm...let's see. Oh, and the voice acting. So all of the actors reprised their role in video game format....except Jorja Fox (Sara). *is mad* Catherine too may be different, but I can't really tell. Sometimes it sounds like Marg and sometimes it doesn't. But yeah, that pissed me off. I mean, why is Jorja the only one??? (there may be more but, as I said, I've only done the first three cases). I can't remember if she was in the other two or not...
Cases themselves: Well, I usually suck at knowing who did it so it's not really predictable, which is good, but then, that may just be me. The content of each is not bad; not boring, but not astoundingly awesome either. The whole bug collecting thing for Grissom is...kinda wierd though but, whatever.
And, I really don't have anything else to say about it at the moment anyways. Even if it sounds like I'm bashing it, I do like the game, although I think only CSI fans would really enjoy it.
Yay for new movie
Anyways, moving away from the games that probably no one cares about...
In our search for an affordable record player, my mum and I went to this video rental store that is closing down and selling everything off really cheap (DVD's and 2nd gen. video games: $5; 1st gen video games: $3; and VHS's: $1). Considering they were three quaters empty, they had a surprisingly good collection. I found a bunch of stuff but, since I have no money and my mum was buying, I couldn't really go crazy >.< We ended up each getting a movie and I got 2 PS1 games. As far as the movie I got...
Me, in all my zuka dorkiness, saw The Importance of Being Earnest (with Colin Firth and...some other people I can't think of) and immediately went all squee'ee. Yeah, I'm a geek. Anyways, that's what I ended up getting but I haven't watched it yet. I will have to do that soon and just...try to imagine my 'siennes in the roles. ^.^
Oh, and one thing that surprised me was they had the original Phantom of the Opera on VHS. As in, the 1925, Lon Chaney, silent film. If I didn't already have the DVD, I would have been bouncing off the walls. But where was that when I was looking for it a while ago??!!
I was just forced to watch Evening (...or was it Twilight? Something like that...) last night. It was...meh. Although I never realized how pretty Claire Danes is XD And it was rather amusing 'cause my mum and I were like "That girl [who played Lila] must be related to Meryl Streep." We were both amazed at how much they looked alike and how well cast she was (since the actress plays the younger verison of Streep's character). And, as it turns out, they're mother and daughter XD How good are we?
♪I had and Osa dream! ♪
I was way pissed at my mother in my dream the other night (I was getting back at her. She had a dream about a week ago where she was very very angry at me XD).
In this dream, she and I went to see Adieu Marseilles. (and there were a bunch of people that I know there too o.O) Unfortunately, I didn't actually see the show (XD) but I remember vividly the break between it and the revue, and the beginning of the revue. See, my mum had gone to the bathroom or something and didn't come back in time for the beginning. The first song involved Osa kind of, walking up and down the ailes and singing, much to my happiness. When she was like, a few steps away from me, I saw my mum coming back from the bathroom. I kind of waved at her to tell her to stop and wait (because sitting back down would involve walking past Osa and interupting her). However, she just kept coming and bumped into her! (and it looked like it was on purpose >.<) Osa ended up falling down because of that and I was sooooo pissed and like, yelling at mum. Then she got mad at me 'cause I was mad at her. XD
Whatever song she was singing was really good too but, I have no idea what it was XD
Nightmare Before Christmas 3D
Okay so, I was all excited because Nightmare was going to be rereleased and I would actually get to see it on the big screen. (I was very young when it first came out) I wasn't at all worried about the limited release since I new Colossus has the technology to play 3D movies (Harry Potter 3D was shown there). So the other day, I was trying to find info about it and, what do I find??!!! The closest bloody theatre that is playing it is in Everett! A 2h 45 minute drive away! Not to mention we'd have to cross the border... *is mad* I was so excited to see it and now it looks like I won't be able to.... *cry*
And...I think that's everything I have to say at the moment. A rather pointless post but...whatever. I still need to make some friends on here though. It just feels so awkward >.<
*goes to play more CSI*