(no subject)

Jun 12, 2005 00:15

i keep thinking there's cats scurring around my feet or there's someone behind me. i don't want to go to my room because it smells bad, and that's really disgusting. i'm almost finished reading a clockwork orange. so far, it's crazy good. very british. if you think about it, like what you are, it's so unsignificant. that not having anything to do with the book. as simple and blatant as it may seem, we're all people. maybe we divide ourselves with these superficial boundaries based on our insecurities, but aren't we all the same? don't we all do the same thing? i hate thinking about time progressing. not just for the fact that i'm not ready to accept change in my life, but the way that we keep trying to advance the way we're living, when the world has just become so pitiful over time. anyway, that's my 2 rusty cents for life and the world and all that shit. goodnight.
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