"Make love to the camera" "Oh I will"

Jul 27, 2009 20:39


Yesterday I went to the fair and it was 99.9% epic:

Before we left my nose started bleeding and totes bypased my Killers shirt. My blood knows. IT KNOWS!
Me and Marina went and are first ride we went on was like a kiddy ride but apparently she's a pussy so she kept talking about how we were going to die. It was funny because I told her to think about Edward Cullen and I was screaming "HE'S DEAD AND HAS NO BLOOD FLOW YET HE HAS AN ERECTION" so that calmed her down. We then went on this big swing ride where it just spun around but it lifted you WAY off the ground and me being the bitch I was yelling "MY WATER JUST BROKE MY WATER JUST BROKE, I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK" and she was yelling at me to shut up. We then went on this dinky horror house, like we went on it because it was so bad but again me not having no shame when we came out I pretended to cry my ass off.

We met up with Kristen and Sarah and holy mother of god worst mistake of my life. I love Kristen but holy fucking GOD Sarah is THEE most self involved THEE most attention whore THEE most biggest cry baby I have ever met!!!
We went to the Butterfly exhibit and every single picture Sarah was like "GET ME IN IT, GET ME IN THE BACKGROUND, OOGAS;BF YOU GOT ME IN THE BACKGROUND" and every time I would take her picture she would do some ridiculous forced pose. I HATE HER.
The butterflies hated me. They wouldn't come to me at all, they would fly near me but when I stuck out my hand they would turn the other way around. I told Marina that the butterflies could sense that she's not a virgin and she was freaking out because she believed me XD

We went to the Egyptian exhibit and omg I wanted to take a picture of Marina with one of the statues and Sarah was like "OMGKDF GET ME IN IT TOO" and she totally copied Marina's pose so I was like "K fuck it" and cut her out of the picture and when she found out she stormed off, like actually stormed off and hid from us. We spent half an hour "looking" for her so me and Marina just left. I HATE HER SOASDSADSDASD

When we left things got 10x's better. We went to this make your own snow cone stand and omfg it was like Ronnie Vannucci just came in my mouth. They had 12 different flavors and it came in little Flower cup. Then the highlight of my day


Someone in the world, Brandon Flowers is crying.

I stuffed my face with fair food because my mom wouldn't let us do it when we were young, Killers reference not intended

We went to this mobile surfing thing and Marina feel in love with this frekin HOT HOT HOT surfer named Sean! I wanted to go over and talk to him but Marina was to nervous so I couldn't.

We met up with Kristen, her BF Chris, and Friend (I refuse to even acknowledge her now) and we went on a few rides together. We were walking passed the mobile surfing thing and I saw the Sean guy in the stand so I told Marina this time i'm going over to talk to him for real.

I went up to him and I was like "Hi, my friend over there is scared to talk to you" and Marina comes over and he's like "Hi, dont be scared i'm a normal person" and he shook her hand and omg she was so embarrassed. I asked if we could take a picture with him and he said sure and he hoisted his body onto the counter, I was like "Make love to the camera" and his response was "Oh I will" ASDHSA;DHSD HE'S SO CUTE! after the pic I asked for his autograph and he slurred "Wherererer do you want it" and I said "On my arm, pardon me but are you drunk? you sound like it" "No not yet" I lol'd for ever.

Afterward she called our friend Mandelle and told her what happened. WTF at first she didn't mention that it was me who even got her the autograph, if I didn't mention her she would have been to afraid to even go over to him. WTF

The fair grounds was right beside my concert venue so every time I looked over I would get a rush of memories.


"BOO! exit to your left"

This is for

Butterflies love Ronnie Vannucci. Trufax

I had to force it on Brando

Why do I look so ew in pictures



saulandromans, tk, my life, fair

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