Apr 03, 2009 23:58
Everything today reminded me of Brandon:
-I wore purple and terquise eye shadow. Well that was more of a Dave thing but it was still their ping pong paddles so it was still Brandon.
-I went shopping with Marina today and pretty much every single store we went to was playing Human. It was like everywhere I stepped they were there. It was one of the greatest feelings i've had in a while. It was like their music was following me.
-She had to buy a dress because she was going to a MORMON dance and she was telling me how mormons are extreme and that pretty much all the nude photo's of people on the internet are mormons and I wished that all Mormons would pose nude for obvious reasons.
-We started talking about dicks and I told her B.Flows has the biggest shlong out there and it's like he stuffed a banana down there so i'm gonna print a picture out of him and his manhood and we're going to compare it to another man. B will win by a LONG shot. Pun intended.
-I wore my B.Flow sweater today
-I wanted McDonalds
-I only had one meal HAHA JUST KIDDING. Brandon is the slimmest fatty out there.
-My old mom got wrinckle decreaser called DNAGE. Like Day and Age.
-When I was on the bus I had another one of my scrubs day dreams where I met them and I bet Ronnie 20 bucks that he couldn't pick me up and he did so I gave Brandon my camera to take a picture and HE FUCKING DROPPED IT. What a dick lol.
-I wore my Pink Floyd t-shit and it reminded me of their cover of "Time"
Quote (from yesterday but still)
Pierce: "I like cream my pants when I listen to Avenge Sevenfold" (Walks into garbage room)
Allison: "Haha thats happened with me and the Killers"
Pierce: "(comes back out laughing) I can totally see that happening to "Somebody told me that you *LARGE MOANING NOISE*"