I've decided to try to keep this silly thing again.. I even started going through and getting rid of the old posts, so that I could just start with a clean slate. Don't ask why, but somehow my brain has connected this account with my blog. I cannot make a new one, though it'd obviously be easier. In any event, it's a new year. I'll be 29 soon. My son is 5 now. My life has traveled all the ups and downs of a roller coaster, most of that before I'd turned 22. I lost approximately 1/4 of my body weight last year, and have about 1/3 more to go.
This year, I'm on a mission (though -not- a resolution), of self improvement and discovery. It's been far too long since I took and interest in my own personal growth or stagnation. So. That being said, I have a list of books to read, A stack of recipes to try, a folder of things to make, and a stack of workouts to try out.
The only thing currently holding me back from jumping in, gung-ho, is this awful bout of Sinusitis which insists I cough, choke, collapse, throw up, and die every time I move around too much, or do too much deep breathing. As soon as that clears up (It's on it's way thank goodness), I'll begin the physical part of my journey.
When I was making my book list.. well really when this plan hatched at all, I'd stumbled across a list of "Books everyone should read before they die". I'd already read about half of them, so good on it there.. However, Since I'd recently been given a kindle, I've been reading tons and tons of old books they offer for free. Most of the classics, and a ton of pre 1920's (there are some more modern but mostly quite old) books of all varieties.
Have to say, right from go, I'm in the middle of one such "book that must be read".. Dubliners by James Joyce.. which is a collection of short stories by him about Ireland etc. To be completely honest..I don't mind his writing in and of itself, but these stories all feel undone. They end abruptly, with no real closing. I've read 6 or 7 of them so far, and it's becoming like a collective burden in my head of unfinished plots and story arcs. I've decided to choose, when I have a bit of time, another book by him, and read that, hopefully something that isn't short story format, in the hope he will finish things off, rather than leave everything hanging on an anticlimax.