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Хороший вопрос... 8) skydigger December 17 2005, 09:21:50 UTC
Система называется RIFTS, и честно сказать, это не самая убойная картинка, которую я мог оттуда вытащить. Например, там есть киборг, использующий для рукопашного боя серп и молот. :)
Впрочем, амeриканскую технику и солдат они тоже изображают довольно интересно. И (редкий случай) авторы без истерик описывают жизнь при советском строе:

...If anything, the system of government is more organized, efficient and responsive to the needs of the Soviet people than at any time in history...
...The communist government is determined not to make the same mistakes as its predecessors, and works hard to keep itself grounded and close to the people. Except within the military rank and file, all citizens (supposedly including the military) are equals and live at the same general social and economic level. Generally speaking, there is no rich or poor. Everybody is on the same level, with surplus wealth and resources going to the State which applies it toward the maintenance, defense and future of the Sovietski. Again, in this particular situation, the Sovietski government has been able to provide for its people. There is ample housing, medicine, food, clothing, and other creature comforts, including public entertainment and programs for the arts. Distribution of goods and services
are readily available to those who need and want them.
Thus, the citizens of the Sovietski feel that they are contributing to a strong government that keeps them safe, healthy and treats them fairly. There is even freedom of speech, religion, and the press (within reason), as well as other personal freedoms that were all too often lacking under the old communist regimes. Institutions like kolkhoz (collective farming) and government intervention in nearly all aspects of daily life, have worked in the Sovietski...


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