Jul 25, 2012 14:54
I have no idea why you decided to be so cruel to me, years after we had broken up. If you recall, the breakup was more of your decision. While at the time I felt devastated, I let go and moved on, with no bitter feelings toward you. As soon as you noticed I started dating again, you became unhappy with it and tried to bring me back down with you.
I thought that after you saw that I was two and a half years into a relationship with someone else, you would learn to let go. I thought that you were dating, living your own life and celebrating your own successes. But instead you focused on the things you were unhappy about, and it made you more unhappy to see I was happy. The truth is, there were a lot of rough, depressing things I was going through. But I didn't only focus on those the way you did. Instead of focusing on how your hard work paid off or on the fact that you had a supportive loving family, you focused on your "loneliness" and decided that I shouldn't be happy either.
So you stalked me. I don't care if it was over the internet, it was stalking nonetheless. And what you did is in fact illegal and a felony. Why else would law enforcement be at your door?
You still managed to "get away" with what you did.
Let's think about this for a second. IT HAD BEEN THREE YEARS, probably more actually, BUT AT LEAST THREE YEARS SINCE WE HAD BEEN TOGETHER! I did nothing to harm you. I spent my energy on healing, wishing you well and moving on. After three years, you decided to be an extremely disturbing creep and corner me until I had no choice but to take legal action. I tried to avoid you and even asked you to leave me alone so that I didn't have to reach other legal measures, AND YET YOU STILL SPENT YOUR ENERGY ON TRYNG TO MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE.
You might have deleted that site you made of me, but the foot print is still there. The material you created was shared and no matter what you delete, someone still has those things and you still did what you did. You spent so much energy on something so negative rather than trying to find a job or do something truly meaningful with your life. I will admit, what you did took a tool on my mental health. I was unhappy and confused about why someone would hate me so much when I did nothing to hurt him.
But here's what you need to know now. I'm 10x stronger, wiser, and more loving because of what you did. I reached out to friends and received the exact opposite type of energy that you used to hurt me. I've made more close friends, shared my story and was reminded that what you did was a pathetic attempt to crush an uncrushable soul.
So while your energy was spent on being damaging, mine was on being regenerative. You might think you're happy now in grad school, getting away with what you did, but you will go on the rest of your life knowing that you spent a pathetic span of time trying to hurt someone who never did anything to you. And whether you believe that there are consequences are not, what you did is part of what builds your character. And so, Mr. Scientist, may you receive the negative energy you send. The "cursing", the stalking, the verbal abuse....all of those things are trivial to me now. But the energy spent doing it is your own curse. You've left a hatred footprint in your soul.
I pray for you. Because you are your own enemy.
And know this: no matter what attempts you make to cause misery to me and anyone else, the love of my creator will forever shield me from your petty bitterness, and I pray for all of those who you or your "cursing" mother might attempt to harm so that they may be shielded as well. I believe in that power and the power of prayer because it is positive and done through love. Sure, your physical malicious actions may have an impact, but it won't last because only love lasts. And in the end, I and other survivors of hateful actions will prevail because love prevails. Your negative wishes will wash away like chalk on pavement.