Apr 25, 2005 22:46
ok so i heard the funniest thing today.. ok it was funnier when I first heard it... and i already put it in Levi MS... but yeah i gotta put it down again here:
"I beat my dick like it owes me money"
~this being the quote i heard today...
which is funny right? then i put that as my status on yahoo...
so then my friend derfy IMS me and says "you have a dick???" and i said "no..." and he said "well.. anyways.. I've beat my dick purfusely and never gotten a dime out of it! so much for the money shot eh?"
so umm... "i beat my dick like it owes me money" was my status on yahoo... then i realize "IM TALKING TO MY MOTHER WITH THAT AS MY STATUS" OMG. ASAP i changed it to "I AM SORRY MOTHER, FOR THAT CRUDE HUMOR" yeah anyhow..
once again i sit here at scotts... babysitting the children. I didn't take into account the fact that i didn't slep last night when i kinda agreed to do this. So here i sit.. possibly til 3pm tomorrow... eep. at first i was a little bummed cuz i was gonna see Jarrod... but now that i think about it... that gives him one less thing to worry about.. hopefully he'll sleep manificently... and tomorrow maybe we can go scooter shopping YAY! wont get my hopes up but eh... maybe i can convince him to sit around and watch 'full metal alcheimist' for a bit. hmm something just accured to me....
Jarrod: if you happen to be reading this, do you spell it "color" or "colour"?
food for thought i guess..
Scott decided to go to Mexico to take care of his ex gfs sisters new baby. so yeah...
my camera is at matts all by itself im worried....
anyhow ima go clean some... ttnf ~Cass
ps: i just got all the kids put to bed... but Joshua (the 1 yr old) fell asleep before i could get him dressed... i managed to put a onsie on him while he was asleep... im the shit lol.