Snap crackle pop!

Jan 13, 2011 11:07

AHMG a couple of days of SUNSHINE. <3 <3 <3 Wally Lewis statue approves, but is still prepared for the worst! Which happened this morning when the Brisbane river reached its peak, but was still a meter lower than originally predicted, hooray!

In other news! Went to the chiropractor on Monday, got my spine and hips x-rayed yesterday, and went back to the chiro to hear the results this morning. Which are - my spine is lopsided. XD

My hips are on a tilt with my left leg shorter than my right, so my back's bent fairly noticeably sideways to compensate for the tilt. My neck's also fairly straight instead of having a nice healthy curve, there's some rotation going on, and a couple of vertebrae are out of alignment. I blame two instances of landing on my tailbone rather hard, rolling my left ankle and limping for months, falling off a horse, and one particular rollerblading fall where my back was bent backwards and as a result I couldn't sit up for a week or two 'cause my abdominal muscles hated me. XD Had to roll out of bed, that was fun.

Fortunately we've caught it fairly early, so it shouldn't be too hard to correct. Gotta visit the chiro twice a week for six to eight weeks - my chiro says probably closer to six than eight weeks, since apart from the misalignment there's not much other damage. No bone spurs and the pads between my vertebrae are fine. Had my first adjustment today and holy shit the NOISE my neck made when he cracked it out. CRUNCH. It was amazing. XD

So! We'll see how that goes.
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