Cataclysm story idea

Sep 03, 2010 17:59

So, I've been thinking about my Hunters cataclysm story arc. There is A LOT of shit going in Cata. for the Dwarves. For one thing we're losing Magni Bronzebeard. Apparently he learns about Deathwing and the Cataclysm, and goes to the heart of Ironforge mountain to beseech the elements for help his people. Magni sacrafices himself and is drawn into the diamond heart of the mountain in exchange for the elements embracing the Dwarves, from which we get dwarfy Shamans.

After all this goes down, Magni's prodigal daughter Moira shows up and tries to install her son as king with herself as regent. This goes over like a lead zepplin, since Muradin, Magni's brother and all around badass™ is still alive and well. To avoid another civil war amongst the clans, the Council of Three Hammers is set up between Moira, Muradin, and Falstad Wildhammer, who is leader of the Wildhammer dwarves. All this would be great, except for the fact that I trust Moira Bronzebeard about as much as I trust Sylvanas Windrunner.

So the basic idea for Wynnri's story (at least the intro) for cata. is, all the various Thanes (basically nobles and heads of the various clans) are called in to take oaths of loyalty. Wynnri refuses, saying "I'll not make an oath to a Dark Iron's whore and her bastard son" before she draws her axe and tries to cut Moira down. The guards stop her and she's put under house arrest. The only reason she isn't dead is because Muradin, who has known Wynnri and respects her, and Falstad stop Moira from passing the sentence.

So that's where I was thinking of beginning her RP story in Cata. maybe a certain Paladin and Mage can bust her out so they can help stop Deathwing and whatever plot Moira has going?
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