(no subject)

Sep 12, 2011 02:36

Player Information

Name: Lisa
LiveJournal: comrade_phyre
Age: Over 16!
Contact: PM on journals is my top preference. I'm also on rising dive on AIM ; vorpal on Plurk
Characters: N/A

Character Information

Name: Kain Highwind
Age: 21
Series/Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Canon Point: Post-Final Fantasy IV and Post-Duodecim

History: Kain's background in IV and also in Dissidia Duodecim. He's post-original game, having been on the mountain for a few months' time, and post-Dissidia, having fallen in battle to the manikins.

Kain is an aloof individual, introverted about personal matters. Yet he's also extremely prideful of his heritage and nation; this pride makes him come across as rather arrogant at times. As a child, he often bragged about his heritage, and even as he grew up, he always sought to follow in his father's footsteps and become as great as him.

He isn't always an easy person to be around, and forms deep grudges. He's prone to dwell on issues, going into long periods of brooding or reflection. He can be cruel at times, as well. He is known to taunt enemies when in a dark frame of mind. This side is usually kept well under control (but thanks to Golbez/Zemus stirring it up in the past, this is a trait he can't always ignore). He fears being controlled or used as he was before, thus has grown much more suspicious of strangers' motives. Despite all of the precaution, his darker self is still not entirely beaten yet, and it is a constant struggle for him to contain it. In the game, he becomes almost a different person under Golbez's power- speaking his mind more, and being even more abrasive than usual. This side must literally be fought in his world, to be overcome. Because he has not done this task, it remains part of him, deep inside. It could easily be manipulated by someone powerful enough.

Jealousy also ties into Kain's character weaknesses, making him obsessed at times with 'proving himself' against impossible standards. He makes comparisons of himself against others (such as Cecil, or his father), attempting to surpass them... which often frustrates him. He also has held unrequited feelings for Rosa for years, something which also drives his rivalry with Cecil.

Yet despite his flaws Kain also has a great deal of good in him as well. If faced with a challenge Kain stubbornly won't back down; he has been described as 'headstrong'. He's willing to go to any length to achieve what he wants- he's very much an "end justifies the means" type of person. Fighting and training are how he spends most of his time. He's known to often take off on solitary trips and keep to himself in general. Often, it's hard for others to understand the real motives behind his moods. He keeps it all to himself for the most part. This repression makes him seem very indifferent on the surface. Still, Kain is a highly compassionate person underneath this exterior, and strives to protect his closest friends. Indeed, it is often for their sakes that he hides how he really feels, so that he doesn't hurt them. He will defend loved ones without question when need arises- especially Cecil and Rosa. He has a strong sense of loyalty and honor for those who have earned it. He's also deeply remorseful for his past actions, something which is never far from his mind.

Strengths & Special Abilities:
Kain is a physical fighter overall, and has a great deal of endurance. He wears armor resembling a dragon in its look and carries heavy weaponry- spears and lances. He's trained as a dragoon- a specialized knight- all his life, so these skills come pretty naturally to him. He's a strong guy who can hold his own in a fight very well. He has no skill whatsoever when it comes to nearly all magic, however, and is weaker against these types of attacks.

Aside from just being a good fighter, as a dragoon Kain's main skill is Jump, which lets him launch himself high into the air and soar down at enemies for massive damage. It gives him a great deal of advantage over land-bound opponents, and the ability to deal with those in the air, as well.

The additional abilities given to him from Dissidia give a great deal of variation on his Jumping as well as some ground-based attacks. Many of the ground-based ones are varying ways to stab, slash and impale opponents. Similarly, the aerial attacks can be thought of as variations on his Jump move, with Rising Dive driving opponents up, and Sky Rave doing the opposite and stabbing them down. Gungnir is a very different variation on his attacks that actually involves throwing his lance at the enemy for damage- so he's got good throwing capabilities as well. He also has one attack, Cyclone, which allows him to blast a burst of wind at the opponent- the closest thing to 'magic' that he's at all capable of.

Where is their brand located?: Left buttock. YAY awkwardness? XD

Are you keeping this character's memories from a previous game? Yes!

If so, why? I'd like to keep memories from another game, in order to keep some previous CR intact. It's a couple months' worth of development. While he himself hasn't changed in personality, there was significant growth for the CR. Especially this.

Are you applying for an original character? No
If so, explain why: N/A

1st Person Sample:


I arrived on the mountain searching for the means to true redemption. I can no longer hope as I once did, to surpass my father... but only to purge this darkness from my soul, as Cecil did before me. Yet I've come again to a foreign world, an unknown place. I wonder whether I'll ever see those dragons again, or... even... [He trails off, he's not sure he wants to admit that he misses anyone. His is a solitary life and will remain that way.]

I must say no more. There is no choice, and no turning back. Until I prove myself worthy... apparently I don't deserve to return.

3rd Person Sample:

"I am at your side. We must face forward."

With these words Kain turned his attention upon the manikin horde awaiting them. He pushed back all the pain he was in, ignored the exhaustion and steadied his mind to the task at hand. They would fight and they would die today, here on this battlefield. He'd accepted that. As soon as he'd known the truth of this place he'd come to realize what must be done. Was it really worth regaining his memories, after all? Especially since every time he looked at Cecil or spoke with Golbez he was slowly beginning to have thoughts that disturbed him.

Truth. The more he knew of it, the less Kain wanted to know.

So he dashed away instantly, racing toward the inevitable as swiftly as the wind. He knew that Lightning would soon follow, to join the rest of them against the mindless attackers. Kain hurriedly targeted his first opponent. He sprang up and flipped through the air, slamming down from above to strike the manikin with Sky Rave.

Kain saw a flash of fire to his side: Yuna and her summoned creatures... Eidolons, his mind kept wanting to call them. Then just ahead of him a loud rattling of gunfire that could only mean Laguna. He saw Vaan and Tifa in the distance, burning and pummeling the enemies in their way. They were all here, those who were still awake. His allies. Comrades in arms. Maybe even... his friends. He'd thought carrying through his plan, labeling himself a traitor, would mean their connection severed forever. He hadn't wanted that. But he'd also felt it was what had to be done. Duty outweighed personal desire. Always.

Besides, somewhere in his mind... Kain believed he deserved to be called a traitor. There was something very wrong inside him. A dark feeling in a vague memory that pained him whenever it surfaced. He would have taken this fall alone. Perhaps he should have. He could have made them all sleep and do what he could by himself. He'd have shouldered the burden and repented for whatever it was because... because they all deserved better than this. They all should have made it through to fight again. Yet he knew he wouldn't have lasted this long without them here.

So the battle raged on. He leapt, stabbed, blocked, evaded and took blow after blow and still the foes kept coming. There was no end to them. Perhaps it was all in vain but he needed to believe otherwise. That the risk was worth it. But he knew he'd probably never find out.

A shout from a human- one of theirs- caught his attention. He didn't see them drop but he knew it was coming. For all of them. One more hit and he was done for. In the next instant, agonizingly, Kain's strength gave out. He collapsed and lay there with the last of his energy fading.

I apologize... Although for what or to who, Kain was no longer certain.

[Alternatively, because I realized I needed something with previous CR, here is a log containing that: http://starkingdomlogs.livejournal.com/8313.html#cutid1]

Questions? Nope!
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