Title: A Child Unexpected (Part 12 of 14)
skybound2 Characters: Fem!City-Elf PC (Kallian Tabris), Sten, Zevran, Alistair, and Morrigan (the overall fic is Zevran/Tabris with Sten and some others tossed in. Liberally, at times. References Alistair/Tabris, Alistair/Anora, and Zevran/Other.)
Word Count: ~4100 this chapter (~47400 so far)
Rating: T
In this bit: More discussion at Weisshaupt, and an encounter between our lovely Warden and favorite Assassin.
Spoilers: Through end game. References to a character from "The Calling" and hints at "Dragon Age: Awakening" (but no real plot spoilers for either.)
Author's Note: I'm heading out on holiday folks! And on my end, it was either post this chapter before I leave without sending it to my beta, or wait on it another 8+ days. I chose the former. Here's hoping its not too awful (and my apologies in advance for any errors you might come across). From the beginning:
On FFN, and
on LJ.
Previous Chapter New:
On to Chapter 10!