Sunday Evening Review

Feb 21, 2010 22:33

So, this week has been an interesting one. Magus and I took off from work Mon-Wed. During this time I played an ABSURD amount of "Mass Effect 2" (Truly upsurd - like, I bought the game on Monday, and beat it last night, I NEVER play a game that quickly); Magus played some DA:O (For awesome LOL-ness, Alistair appears to have fallen in love with his male Dwarf Commoner. It's an adorable glitch ;-P); I wrote some; and Magus read a lot. I managed to sustain whiplash somehow (no I have NO IDEA HOW) but thankfully, I nearly have full range of motion back in my neck as of today, though getting up in the morning is still really rough. I'm hoping that whatever I did to cause this to happen to myself, is never repeated. Cause it sucks. And oh, yeah, my phone gotten stolen. Not like, out of my pocket, or anything, but I dropped it at the gym, and someone took it, and called Venezuela for 36 minutes, and then didn't give it back (which is just plain rude). Verizon refunded that charge, and today my mother decided to prove that a child is never too old to be spoiled, and decided to by me a "Droid" as a replacement!!!!

Of course, the phone won't work. *head desk* I fussed with it for about 2 hours after I got it today, and yeah there are some SERIOUS software issues causing it to crash. It was a 'buy one, get one free' deal, so Magus got one too (see: my mother is awesome), and his appears to be working fine. I'll be making a trip back to the store tomorrow, and exchanging it for a working model. Here's hoping that this time it pans out.

For tonight, I plan to decompress with some "Kings" (and, as I noted recently elsewhere, between "Lost", "Kings", and "Mass Effect (1 and 2)", there are a whole lot of "Shepard's" in my life...). Hope that everyone's weekend went well!

people who are cooler than me, games: dragon age, tv/movies, games: mass effect, games, life

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