Jan 30, 2004 17:36
Admittedly the availability of decent food drops dramtically when returning to school from home, but you know what else drops dramatically too? Your weight. I've lost 5 pounds since coming back here two weeks ago. I guess there is something to be said for subsisting off of a bag of chocolate chips, frozen fish fillets, and string beans.
It could be a new crazy diet fade: "The I can't afford proper food 'cause my school books cost $300" Diet.
Hey, like its any worse then the all liquid diet (mmm, water)
Or the only eat green things diet (just, ewww. 'cause mold...green. the tile in your bathroom...green. This diet, while being prejudice against so many things, really just isn't prejudice enough.)
Or if it's lard, wrapped in bacon, and buttered ("Butter that bacon!") feel free diet (aka Atkins,)
I should write a book, I could be rich (one downside though...i'm really tired of chocolate chips...)
You know what else is pretty cool? being told that you were the talk of the Central Staff Retreat, 'cause they were so impressed with how well you did the past semester. :-)
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