I attended the tea party in Indianapolis and I must say that your broad generalization is inaccurate at least in terms of my experience. First of all, I would not consider myself a 'redneck' or a bigot. I look down on no one based on their ethnicity or backgrounds. I love people and I want everyone to have the opportunity to bring their hopes and dreams to fruition.
I witnessed hundreds, if not thousands (there were many conflicting figures reported) of people of all walks of life: white, black, asian, rich, poor, adults, college-aged kids, etc. with a common purpose of expressing their grievances with this unilateral, undeniable power grab of our current lawmakers and new administration in Washington. In many cities across the country, while not reported by MSM, people were also protesting their own local governments as well (California, Michigan, New York, etc.).
People in general have the right to peacefully protest their government and I think it's a very healthy, American-like thing to do. Millions of people live world wide under oppression and are unable to speak their voice against their own government. I've never looked down on a group of people who protest for any cause. I also find that, at least from what I've witnessed, people at these protests anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-military, woman's rights (aka abortion), gay rights, etc. that these are militant groups of angry people who I personally couldn't even bear to hold a conversation with without fear of being called names and frowned upon for having a differing opinion. I think if you actually go up and talk to most of the people that went out to tea parties on April 15th, you'd find some of the most genuine, caring people you can come into contact with who want nothing more than for the future success of this country. I wasn't in Bloomington that day, so I can't speak for that rally, but I can speak for the one I attended.
The current economic environment worldwide has been influenced by a multitude of factors, and I would never sit here and try to say that I blame Barack Obama for it. Not only would that be a complete denial of all facts and logic, but also discredit my attempt at trying to reasonably discern what is actually taking place in our country. However (you had to know that was coming), what I do think is worthwhile to point out, is that these policies that our current congress and the President are pushing have been tried before and they have FAILED. They've been tried on a smaller scale in this country and in other countries such as Japan, Great Britain, etc. in the past and it has never worked.
Consider this, Veronica: If Obama stopped spending money today, American Solutions (along with other nonpartisan groups such as the CBO and the Heritage Foundation) has reported that a current 20 year old has been put on the hook for roughly $140,000 of their incomes over the course of their lifetimes to pay back the INTEREST alone on the amount of money that we've borrowed, let alone the principle. I don't know about you, but I hate the idea that income I haven't even earned yet is being appropriated by current legislators and our President. At some point, as a whole, our country is going to have to realize that this is unsustainable, by any account, or we WILL have a completely different standard of living than what our parents grew up in. There will be no other way to pay the debt than to raise taxes. That's a given. The average income will shrink and businesses and corporations will stop investing and expanding because there's no reward for success. That means less employed, less paying taxes, and an even smaller fraction of people carrying the tax burden which is already ridiculously skewed, in my opinion. When 40% don't pay taxes, and 5% pay 75% - 80% of the bill... you're already asking too much of people who are achievers.
But setting that aside, we already know the Bush tax cuts are set to expire which will increase taxation on all levels of income and other taxes such as tobacco have already been increased. The top marginal rate is set to go up to I've heard as high as 45%. My main concern is that all this is coming from a man who said he would go through line by line and eliminate wasteful spending and he would implement a 'pay as you go' policy which has been neglected thus far. So what's stopping him from even further doubling down on these policies when obviously his voters and the media aren't going to hold him accountable like they do when a Republican is in office.
I think the take home message from the tea parties was clear: If this excessive borrowing and spending does not stop, America is going to be in trouble. If the media isn't going to cover what's truly going on, then it's up to the people to get the message out. I was shocked to read your own bigoted views of the people who attended the tea parties while completely ignoring the underlying and extremely important message they were designed to send. I think we can both agree that the excessive spending from the last administration and the current one HAS GOT TO STOP. Fiscal integrity my be reinstated in Washington, from BOTH parties, or we will be facing even greater struggles ahead.
I witnessed hundreds, if not thousands (there were many conflicting figures reported) of people of all walks of life: white, black, asian, rich, poor, adults, college-aged kids, etc. with a common purpose of expressing their grievances with this unilateral, undeniable power grab of our current lawmakers and new administration in Washington. In many cities across the country, while not reported by MSM, people were also protesting their own local governments as well (California, Michigan, New York, etc.).
People in general have the right to peacefully protest their government and I think it's a very healthy, American-like thing to do. Millions of people live world wide under oppression and are unable to speak their voice against their own government. I've never looked down on a group of people who protest for any cause. I also find that, at least from what I've witnessed, people at these protests anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-military, woman's rights (aka abortion), gay rights, etc. that these are militant groups of angry people who I personally couldn't even bear to hold a conversation with without fear of being called names and frowned upon for having a differing opinion. I think if you actually go up and talk to most of the people that went out to tea parties on April 15th, you'd find some of the most genuine, caring people you can come into contact with who want nothing more than for the future success of this country. I wasn't in Bloomington that day, so I can't speak for that rally, but I can speak for the one I attended.
The current economic environment worldwide has been influenced by a multitude of factors, and I would never sit here and try to say that I blame Barack Obama for it. Not only would that be a complete denial of all facts and logic, but also discredit my attempt at trying to reasonably discern what is actually taking place in our country. However (you had to know that was coming), what I do think is worthwhile to point out, is that these policies that our current congress and the President are pushing have been tried before and they have FAILED. They've been tried on a smaller scale in this country and in other countries such as Japan, Great Britain, etc. in the past and it has never worked.
Consider this, Veronica: If Obama stopped spending money today, American Solutions (along with other nonpartisan groups such as the CBO and the Heritage Foundation) has reported that a current 20 year old has been put on the hook for roughly $140,000 of their incomes over the course of their lifetimes to pay back the INTEREST alone on the amount of money that we've borrowed, let alone the principle. I don't know about you, but I hate the idea that income I haven't even earned yet is being appropriated by current legislators and our President. At some point, as a whole, our country is going to have to realize that this is unsustainable, by any account, or we WILL have a completely different standard of living than what our parents grew up in. There will be no other way to pay the debt than to raise taxes. That's a given. The average income will shrink and businesses and corporations will stop investing and expanding because there's no reward for success. That means less employed, less paying taxes, and an even smaller fraction of people carrying the tax burden which is already ridiculously skewed, in my opinion. When 40% don't pay taxes, and 5% pay 75% - 80% of the bill... you're already asking too much of people who are achievers.
I think the take home message from the tea parties was clear: If this excessive borrowing and spending does not stop, America is going to be in trouble. If the media isn't going to cover what's truly going on, then it's up to the people to get the message out. I was shocked to read your own bigoted views of the people who attended the tea parties while completely ignoring the underlying and extremely important message they were designed to send. I think we can both agree that the excessive spending from the last administration and the current one HAS GOT TO STOP. Fiscal integrity my be reinstated in Washington, from BOTH parties, or we will be facing even greater struggles ahead.
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